What is true love? Everyone wishes to experience love, but most will not answer it with conviction if you ask this question. Some say it doesn’t exist, while others say it is omnipresent. Its presence so engulfs the people who have fallen in love that they cannot see anything beyond it. Love is the most beautiful experience in the world. If you find a person who loves you genuinely, it is a blessing in your life. Love gives happiness and strength. However, while some people find love easily, others struggle with it. So, if you are wondering what this experience is, this post can guide you. Read on to know about true love, its signs, and how to make the experience last forever.

What Is True Love?

True love is a sense of absolute affection and warm feelings towards a person and does not get altered easily. You love a person truly when you are willing to give up your happiness for theirs, and love them for who they are, warts and all. However, the idea of true love can vary for different people. For some, it could be loving without expectations, and for some others, it is a passionate bond that makes them care deeply for each other. When you truly love someone, you give them your all, without any limitations or exceptions.

What Does True Love Feel Like?

Apart from the ‘butterflies in the belly’ feeling and the happiness that seems to follow you everywhere, true love offers three important things that lay a solid foundation for your relationship. If you can relate to these three things, then you may be able to answer the question “what does true love feel like.”

Safety or security: Did you ever wonder why babies sleep better in their mothers’ arms? Because they know they are safe there. A relationship that can give you peace of mind and safety is based on true love. When you love a person with all your heart, you will never put them in a situation that compromises their safety. So, if you are in a relationship that makes you feel safe physically, emotionally, and mentally, then you already know how it feels to be truly loved.

Recognition: When your partner’s love for you is true, you will know that they’re going to be there for you no matter what. You don’t have to work hard to get their attention. If you have something to say, they will sit with you and hear you out. At the same time, they would also recognize the small things you do for them, and either compliment or reciprocate them.

Stability: No matter how hard things may get, a person who truly loves you will not leave you alone. You can go through hell, but their presence will make it all worth it. Giving up is never an option when you love someone, and couples who stand by each other will fight through adversity and come out stronger than ever. Whether it is a tough financial situation or a family feud, there is nothing in the world that can change your love for one another. When it comes to true love, the thought of leaving never arises.

If this is true love, what is not?

What Isn’t True Love?

There is a faint line between true and unauthentic love. Many couples accept abuse and ill-treatment, mistaking them for care and love. So how do you differentiate? Here are a few pointers to help.

Abuse of any kind under the guise of care is not true love. If your partner is physically abusing you to get their way, it is not love.

Being possessive and controlling in the name of protection is not love. True love is built on trust, and if your partner is restricting you from going out or talking to friends, then it is possessiveness and jealousy, but not love.

A partner who is overly dependent on you, restricting your growth, may not really love you. True love helps both the partners grow while enabling them to love each other enough to spend their lives together.

If your partner gets angry at any negative feedback or shuts you out for sharing your feelings, then it may not be true love.

If both of you are keeping scores or having a tit-for-tat mentality, then you both need to stop and evaluate your love. True love doesn’t expect; it just offers unconditionally.

Are You Ready For True Love?

True love is indeed a precious feeling, and everyone longs to experience it. If cupid doesn’t magically bring true love into your life, how do you find it? While there is no sure shot formula to find true love, there are a few tips to increase your chances. Take things slowly, spend time with each other, and become best friends. But, if things don’t work out, do not give up. Learn from that experience and move on. If you have found that someone special, then look for some of these signs to know if they are the one.

Signs Of True Love

True love can make a relationship strong and long-lasting. It can change you into a better person, and it could also be one of the best things to have happened in your life. But how do you know you really have it? Read more to find out..

1. You are transparent.

When two people love each other genuinely, they would want to be transparent with each other. No lies or hiding facts. Whether it is about a text from an old flame or a huge financial loss, nothing is hidden in the relationship. You would also want to share everything about your life: your past, present, as well as the plans for the future with your partner.

2. You do not resort to petty games.

True love will never have any malicious intentions. You love them without any conditions attached. Someone with ulterior motives would play games to manipulate and get their way. For example, they’d use sex or expensive gifts to get the partner to do things for them. That is not real love.

3. Your eyes and heart do not wander.

There will always be someone prettier or more successful than your partner, but you will not be interested if you truly love them. Your love would be so strong that no matter how good someone might seem, you will find qualities in your partner that are better. Even in those times when you find yourself in a compromising situation, you will say NO! And run back to your partner. Such is the power of true love.

4. You do not focus on their flaws.

When we say flaw, we mean trivial things like laziness to do the laundry, not being punctual, etc. Such things can be overlooked when you love someone, as no one is perfect. You have your flaws too! But, this doesn’t mean you tolerate abuse, or infidelity, which are not mere flaws. If you don’t mind your partner being a little rough around the edges, then you are genuinely in love.

5. You are kind and generous to them.

When you truly love someone, you will do anything to see a smile on their face. You would go out of your way to be kind and generous towards them. You cannot shout at or demean your partner and call it love! When you truly love someone, you treat them with kindness and are generous towards their mistakes.

6. You respect and treat them as your equal.

Respect is another form of true love. If you truly love your partner, you would respect their views, life choices, and opinions. You will treat them as your equal and trust their decisions. You will see good in them and believe that their exceptional qualities make your life better.

7. You share their sorrows and support them.

Love is not always about how happy you both are, and true love knows this. If you found true love, you can never leave them alone during tough times. You would not think twice about supporting them. Your first instinct would be to leave everything and comfort them when they need it.

8. You try to see things from their perspective.

True love only knows the difference between self-care and selfishness. So, when you are in a relationship with someone you love, you genuinely try to understand and see things from their perspective. During conflicts, you can see their true intentions and would not judge them for wanting something different. If you could relate to these signs, then you are lucky to have found true love. But do not be disappointed if you couldn’t relate to it. If you are in a relationship where you and your partner love and value each other, then do not think less of it just because you are not feeling an out-of-the-world connection. True love is something you develop over time, as you get to know each other better. All that is needed is patience and some effort from both the partners. But can true love last a lifetime? How do you ensure that?

How To Make True Love Last?

Being truly loved is a rare and special experience that not everyone gets to enjoy. If you have been lucky enough to have found it, it is good to know how to make it last.