Sty in babies appears as a swelling on the eyelid. It happens due to various reasons, such as blocked sweat glands or hair follicle infection. The condition may temporarily affect the vision of the baby. However, it is self-limiting and does not usually need any medical treatment. Nevertheless, it is important to consult a doctor if you find any worrying symptoms in the baby, such as fever, fussiness, or rashes. This post tells you about the causes of sty in babies, its symptoms, treatments, and ways of prevention.

What Is A Sty?

A sty, also spelled stye and medically known as a hordeolum, is a painful boil-like structure seen at the base of the eyelash(1). It appears along the margin of the affected eyelid, causing the eyelid to swell. A sty can be painful and may make babies irritable and fussy. A sty or a hordeolum is broadly classified into two categories: A sty may be confused with chalazion, which is an obstructed gland in the eyelid. A chalazion swelling is similar to sty swelling but the former is not painful. A chalazion could be a chronic problem.

Are Styes Common In Babies?

A sty is common but its incidence rate in babies is not known because most cases are not documented. Babies with certain diseases or conditions like diabetes or seborrhoeic dermatitis might be more prone to styes(1).

What Are The Symptoms Of Styes In Babies?

Look for any changes in the color, size, and shape of your baby’s eyelid. Styes can be painful, so a baby may be fussy, irritable, and repeatedly rub the affected eyelid. An eyelid affected with sty can display the following symptoms.

Swelling Bump-like growth Redness Pain and soreness Discharge of yellowish mucus

Itchiness, irritation, and watery eyes

What Are The Causes Of Styes In Babies?

Below are some of the likely causes of sty in babies.

The blocked ducts of sebaceous glands within the eyelid cause the accumulation of oil and fluids. This fluid is invaded by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, thus causing an infection, which gets presented as a sty (1).

Sweat glands present at the rim of the eyelid may get blocked and the blocked sweat glands get infected by bacteria and cause sty.

An infection within the hair follicle of an eyelash may also lead to the formation of sty.

Babies who had sty before have a greater risk of getting a sty again (2).

How Is Sty Diagnosed In Babies?

The diagnosis of sty usually requires only a physical exam of the eyelid and assessing the medical history of the baby. No diagnostic tests are required for a sty (1). Your doctor may suggest further tests when some other problem is suspected. Physical exam can help know if it is a sty or a chalazion(3). Also, the size of the sty may indicate the extent of the infection (4).

How To Treat Styes In Babies?

Mostly, styes resolve on their own in two weeks with spontaneous drainage of the abscess (5). Medical intervention is most often not needed. A treatment, if required, is likely to be a combination of home remedies and medication. The following treatment methods could help provide relief to the baby (4). The treatment for both internal and external hordeolum is the same. Never massage or touch a sty since it may accidentally pop and cause the fluids to drain into the eye. It is always good to seek a doctor’s advice even before trying home remedies.

When To See A Doctor?

Visit a doctor if you don’t see any improvement in the baby’s sty after two weeks. You should seek medical intervention sooner if a sty is accompanied with symptoms such as (7):

Fever Loss of appetite Rashes on other areas of the body Recurring or multiple styes Excessive irritation and fussiness Baby seems to have trouble seeing and you suspect a problem with their vision

How To Prevent Styes In Babies?

Hygiene is important in preventing styes. The following habits may help:

Wash your hands before touching the baby and their personal items to prevent the spread of bacteria from you to them.

Use a mild baby-safe soap to wash the baby’s face.

Keep the baby’s towels and clothes separate.
