The first 12 weeks of pregnancy, starting from conception is called the first trimester. During this period, the body begins to expand and grow, along with other physiological and physical changes in the mother and the baby, leading to weight gain in the first trimester. However, weight gain may not be common for all women. Some may also lose weight during this period due to common pregnancy problems, such as loss of appetite and morning sickness (1). Hence, awareness and knowledge about the correct and healthy weight during the first trimester can help prevent weight-related complications later in pregnancy. Read on to know about tips for healthy weight gain in the first trimester.

How Much Weight Should You Gain In The First Trimester?

Women with normal weight or BMI before pregnancy are expected to gain 1 to 4.5 pounds (0.5 to 2kg) of weight in the first trimester (2). If they are expecting twins, their expected weight gain rises to 4 to 6 pounds (1.8 to 2.7kg) (3).This weight gain target further increases for those expecting multiples. If you are overweight or obese, your weight recommendation will be different. In such cases, rather than gaining weight, your doctor will advise you to maintain your pre-pregnancy weight.

Should You Worry About Not Gaining Weight In The First Trimester?

Weight gain during pregnancy is common, but it doesn’t happen for every woman at the same pace and pattern. For those suffering from morning sickness, nausea, and food aversions, losing weight (or not gaining much weight) in the first trimester isn’t uncommon (4). However, losing too much weight may indicate an underlying concern, such as hyperemesis gravidarum, a condition that causes severe and persistent nausea and vomiting (5). Nonetheless, appetite changes in the first trimester are common and are unlikely to affect your and your baby’s health. Yet, it’s important to inform the doctor about the weight changes and the symptoms you are experiencing. This way, they can decide if you need any nutritional support. Most women regain their appetite by the start of the second trimester and even develop food cravings, making them eat more than they were in the first trimester. These changes, along with several others, make the mother gain weight in the second and third trimesters.

How Much Weight Gain Is Too Much?

Just like less or no weight gain, there will be mothers who may gain more weight than expected. While a little weight gain over what’s expected will not harm you and your baby, excessive weight gain will certainly raise the chances of adverse health risks in the advanced stages of pregnancy. Thus, you should watch your weight gain and keep it within your target weight limits. If you see you are gaining too much weight too quickly, talk to your doctor.

What Are The Risks Of Gaining Too Much Weight?

Gaining too much weight in the first trimester doesn’t affect your and your baby’s health immediately. However, when the extra weight gain continues throughout the pregnancy, it will expose you and your baby to health risks, such as (2) (6) Since excess maternal weight gain is linked to several health risks for the mother and the baby, it’s pertinent that you follow the right dietary practices and keep your weight gain steady and gradual.

Tips To Gain Healthy Weight In The First Trimester

Eating a calorie-balanced diet right from the first trimester helps keep your weight gain steady and gradual throughout the pregnancy. Here are some helpful tips to follow (7). Besides these, stay stress-free and sleep sound for at least eight hours a day. All these healthy practices, when followed diligently, can help you gain and maintain weight within target weight gain limits.
