Trust in relationships is key to its growth. Consider what it might be like to live a life without trust: you want to share a secret with your spouse but feel unsure; your spouse checks their messages from a friend, and you think they are lying, and so on. Relationships are difficult to maintain. Every minute of your life becomes a nightmare if you don’t trust each other. In fact, a relationship without trust is quite chaotic and becomes dysfunctional. The post elaborates on the necessity of trust in a relationship and how to create and rebuild it.

What Is Trust In A Relationship?

Trust is the faith you have in someone that they will always remain loyal to you and love you. To trust someone means that you can rely on them and are comfortable confiding in them because you feel safe with them. It is the building block for any relationship without which the foundation will always remain shaky.

Why Is Trust Important In A Relationship?

Trust is that foundation upon which your relationship can survive the hardest of times. In fact, without trust, you cannot sustain your relationship for a long time. Lack of trust is one of the reasons for relationships to fall apart. Here is why trust is the driving factor in relationships:

You cannot love without trusting a person. As mentioned earlier, trust is the building block of love. Just like how a child trusts her mother and thereby loves her, your partner needs to know that you are trustworthy and won’t ditch them in difficult times. This feeling is important for love to sprout and flourish.

Trust helps overcome obstacles. It is the binding factor for all cracks and differences in a relationship. You know deep down that you can overcome the problems and feel safe and secure with your partner.

Trust helps in healing. When you get hurt in your relationship, you get over it due to the deep trust that you have in your spouse.

It helps control your emotions. The degree to which you trust a person determines how much of yourself you want to give to him/her. If you are hurt or annoyed at them, it is only trust that tells you that there must be some reason behind their annoying behavior.

It is reassuring. Trust gives you the reassurance that your partner loves you despite the arguments and fights that you might have. That is the key to a long-lasting relationship.

You don’t need justifications. When you trust your partner absolutely you don’t need to explain or justify everything. You know that your partner will understand and trust your actions and decisions.

It teaches you about personal time and space. You don’t feel insecure about giving your partner their space. In fact, trust helps you stay close in spite of the obstacles.

So, how do you know whether you can trust your partner or not? It can be a tricky thing, but you can look for some signs.

Signs You Can Trust Your Partner

Trust in relationships is a dicey thing. Even when we have burnt our fingers in the past, we tend to trust people repeatedly. Learning from our mistakes is a wise thing, and these signs tell you when you can trust your partner: Trust cannot be demanded, it has to be earned. It does not come easy but takes time and effort to build.

How To Build Trust In Your Relationship

Building trust is a two-way process, it is important to trust and equally important to be trusted. That requires mutual effort and commitment. Before building trust, you need to understand each other’s expectations and what trust means to you. Here are some ways to build trust in your relationship: Trust can, sometimes, blind the person and pave the way for betrayal. But if you still want to be in the relationship or do not want to lose your partner then it is never too late to rebuild trust.

Repairing Trust In A Relationship

Trust is the most difficult thing to establish especially after a betrayal. Betrayal happens when you cross the boundaries, when power is misused, or when you repeatedly deceive or lie to your partner. Such betrayal of trust has to be repaired for the relationship to survive. Here’s how you can do it: Sometimes betrayal becomes inevitable.

Sample these situations

You may have promised to support your partner financially, but then you had to quit the job to pursue your studies. You have been doing everything your partner wanted but realized that you had suppressed your own voice in the process. You have promised to never leave your partner alone when she is pregnant but you have to be with a friend who is ill and hospitalized. When you try to suppress your own needs to keep your spouse happy, then it can lead to unexpected outcomes. And someday betrayal becomes inevitable. Here’s how you can rebuild trust after such betrayal: Trust is difficult to earn and once you earn it, make every effort to not lose it, by being committed and consistent in your relationship. Reflect on these quotes!

Thoughtful Quotes On Trust

Here are some quotes that will compel you to value the importance of trust in a relationship: Trust comes when there are no secrets kept, no judgments made, and no lies told.