Many young children face the issue of communicating clearly. So, we have brought some language development activities for toddlers to help them learn better. These activities can help them work on their skills while having fun. You can easily teach your child alphabets and other important lessons through these activities. So, read on to know more.

Top Eight Language Activities For Toddlers

1. Telephone Play

The fun language activity for toddlers can help improve their communication skills. Set up two toy phones in the play area. You can also decorate the phone booth with funky colors, to appeal to your little one’s imagination. Now act as if you are calling him and the phone is ringing. Encourage your toddler to answer the phone. Through this activity, your toddler will learn phone etiquettes and improve his conversation skills (1).

2. Puppet Game

Buy some soft toys, dolls or puppets for your toddler. Make him converse with these imaginary friends and polish his communication skills in a fun way! (2)

3. ABC Matching Game For Phonetic Learning

Write the alphabets on a small piece of cardboard paper and ask your toddler to color them. Cut out pictures from a magazine and keep them aside. Ask your toddler to match the alphabets with the beginning sounds of the objects in the pictures. The activity uses the play way method to teach your toddler his letters phonetically.

4. Singing Together

Singing is a fun activity that you can do as a family. It will help your toddler enjoy working on his language skills. You can also use this play way method to introduce him to nouns, adjectives, and verbs!

5. Places And Things:

Here is another language development activities for toddlers. Point out different objects at your home and ask your toddler to name them. It will help your toddler improve his vocabulary without much effort. You can play this game in different settings like the garden, supermarket, etc.

6. Complete The Sentence

The simple activity encourages your toddler to frame complete sentences. If he asks for a banana, you can ask him “Do you want a banana?” Encourage him to answer in a complete sentence. It will help your toddler learn to string the words together to make coherent conversation. It will help him learn to express himself better and boost his confidence too!

7. Reading Fun

Read books to your toddler at bedtime every night. It is a great opportunity to bond with him at the end of a long day. Read him a story and ask him related questions to improve his listening skills and speech abilities. You can show him the pictures that illustrate the story and ask him to identify the objects. It can help improve his vocabulary too!

8. Join-The-Dots

Draw a dotted outline of the alphabets on sheets of paper. Hand out a new sheet every day to your toddler along with pencil colors in different shades. Help him join the dots to improve his motor skills. It will help him identify and write each letter. These simple activities will surely make learning a lot of fun for your toddler! Try these expressive language activities for toddlers at home and watch your toddler’s language skills improve dramatically. Remember, a little patience and innovation on your part can encourage your toddler to learn better!

Stage 1: Cooing or pre-talking stage (0-6 months) Stage 2: Babbling (6-8 months) Stage 3: Holophrastic stage (9-18 months) Stage 4: Two-word stage (18-24 months) Stage 5: Telegraphic stage (24-30 months) Stage 6: Later multiword stage (30+ months)
