Warming up is a prerequisite before any strenuous physical activity such as games or exercise. Warm-up exercises for kids help prepare the muscle before the activity and prevent injuries due to muscle sprain. Children should be encouraged to warm up for optimal performance in sports. However, it is important to identify the best warm-up exercises suitable for children depending on the type of activity that follows. Keep reading as we share a list of exercises that can help your child before hitting the field.

Why Warm Up Exercises For Kids?

Warm-up exercises help prepare the muscles of the body by increasing blood flow. The dynamic movement of the warm-up exercises reminds the body of all the actions that it needs to perform during the sport. Children also prepare themselves mentally so that their physical actions and minds are connected well. The ideal warm-up depends on the age of the participants, the sport and the level of competition. It must incorporate all the muscle groups. 5 to 10 minutes of warm up is more than enough, but during the winters, the warm-up times need to increase to compensate for the colder weather.

Benefits Of Warm Up Exercises

Warm-up exercises help the muscles handle the intense movements required in the games. Warm-up exercises increase the respiration and heart rate gradually to avoid the sudden shock during the intense activity. Warm-up exercises prepare the cardiovascular system for the continued activity so that players keep up during the practice or game. The incremental increase in the body temperature improves the elasticity of the muscle, thereby minimizing the risk of strains and pulls. So, your child won’t complain of sore muscles once he comes back from a game of football. It will also decrease the risk of injury. The exercises facilitate the activity of the enzymes and hormonal balance. These exercises also help kids acquire more control over the muscles. So help prevent your child’s injuries and enhance his physical performances with these easy to do warm up exercises and games.

Warm-Up Exercises

Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Tip – Tell your child to keep his neck extended and raise his chin to prevent straining the neck. He can even relax his head by using his hands to support his head’s weight.

Exercise 3:

Exercise 4:

Exercise 5:

Exercise 6:

Exercise 7:

Exercise 8:

Exercise 9:

Exercise 10:

Fun Warm Up Games For Kids

1. Knee Slaps:

You Will Need:


How To:

2. Mirroring:

You Will Need:


How To:

3. Donkey Tails:

You Will Need:

A piece of scrap material

How To:

4. Sticky Parts:

You Will Need:

Beanbag for each child

How To:

5. Smugglers:

You Will Need:

Colored hoops Beanbags

How To:

6. Dog And Bone:

You Will Need:

Beanbag or ball

How To:

7. Alligator In The Swamp:

You Will Need:

Multiple ground markings

How To:

8. Bumper Cars:

You Will Need:

1 colored hoop per person

How To: Variation:

9. Respect:

You Will Need:


How To:

10. Ball Tag:

You Will Need:

2 to 5 colored bibs Balls

How To: Note: Use balls according to the sports session.

11. Bump Tag:

You Will Need:


How To:

12. Traffic Lights:

You Will Need:


How To:

13. Penguin Race:

You Will Need:


How To:

Penguin walking on the ice Penguin dancing at the disco Penguin walking through a tunnel

14. Giant Dwarfs And Wizards:

You Will Need:


How To:

15. Fishy Fishy Sharky Sharky:

You Will Need:


How To: Variation:
