Gardening is a rewarding activity that teaches children several essential life skills. It keeps them close to nature, hones their senses, and improves their mental and physical wellbeing. So, here we bring you some engaging gardening activities for kids that you and your child can work on together. These activities are simple yet interesting enough to keep your child captivated. Besides, they will teach your child about the beauty of nature and how to take care of it with patience and dedication.

Which Plants Attract Children?

Kids usually get attracted towards bright color and big things. Also, they get bored and discouraged easily, so the first gardening experience should be fun and fruitful. Make a kid-size garden for the little ones to handle easily. Start out with wild flowers. They are of various colors and are easily available in the market. They also look good in small colored pots. Here are some choices of plants for your kids to start their gardening expedition with:

Wild Strawberries Lavenders Sunflowers Cherries

Besides being fun and educational, it can help your kid develop a sensory experience which will help them to connect with the world. Your child learns to use his senses from birth. With gardening activities, your child will soon connect the world through feeling, observing, touching and more.

Things Which Develop Sensory Inputs

The following activities while gardening will help develop sensory inputs in your child:

Touching and rubbing various plants and flowers Touching soil, worms and such Picking flowers Harvesting home grown vegetables Digging holes Shoveling Carrying pots

Top 10 Fun Gardening Activities For Kids

Here are some fun filled activities. Do let your kid pick out the best one and don’t worry about them getting dirty or pulling out worms and plants.

1. Watering Plants:

It is the most basic of all gardening activities.

It can be easily accomplished by children of almost all ages. Get your child a cute watering can. These you can easily get from any departmental stores. Fix a time or day for watering.

2. Cleaning Garden:

It is important that you teach your kid to clean the garden.

This will help to make the atmosphere hygienic. You can buy some good child rake to clear out dead leaves and flowers from the garden.

3. Pulling Wild plant:

Teach your child to pull weeds from the flower beds.

Weeds make the garden look dirty and have no use. Educate your kid on various kinds of wild plant and the ways to remove them.

4. Picking Fruits Or Vegetables:

This is one of the most favorite of all times.

Children love picking fruits and vegetables from their home garden. You can make them get involved in the kitchen too, to make some delicious food, pickles or jellies.

5. Composting The Soil:

Teach your children the process of composting soil.

Teach them the significance of rich organic soil. Tell them how good soil helps plants grow quickly.

6. Build Bird Feeder:

Make a bird feeder with your kid with old plastic bottles.

Drill holes in it and keep food for the birds. This will encourage birds to visit your garden regularly and your kid too will start appreciating nature, and grow a love for birds.

7. Learn About Insects:

Let your children learn about insects.

A pair of magnifying glass would be helpful. This will surely help them to get over their fear of bugs.

8. Paint The Pots:

Let your child color the pots.

This will make the garden look bright and colorful. Decorating pot encourages your kid in art and design.

9. Fairy Garden:

Let imagination drive your kids wild.

Ask them to make a fairy garden with color pebbles, sticks, shells and pots. You would be amazed to see their face lit up with joy.

10. Color The Rocks:

Color can play a great role in brightening up your garden.

Ask your kid to color various rocks. Let them dry and then arrange them near your flower pots.

Make Gardening More Enjoyable

Here are some quick ways to let your kid enjoy gardening:

Give your kid her own space to enjoy the dirt. Let your child have some knowledge and learn things on her own. Buy kid size tools for your little ones.

Do let them plant seeds and seedling, you will be amazed to find out how eager they are to see the first sprout popping up from the ground.


Chamomile Lavender Basil Curry plant Rosemary Aloe