How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 8 Weeks?

At eight weeks, you are two months pregnant. Momjunction throws light on the developmental milestones your baby reaches, the pregnancy tests, and the tips you can follow to care for yourself in this week.

How Big Is Your Baby In This Week?

At eight weeks, your baby is about the size of a cranberry bean (1). Babies usually measure around 0.62in (1.1-1.4cm, measured from crown to rump) and weigh less than 0.035oz (1g) (2).

Baby Development At 8 Weeks Pregnancy

Here is how the baby’s body parts are developing in this week: While the baby grows inside of you, your body undergoes several changes as well.

Symptoms Of Pregnancy At 8 Weeks

Here is what happens to your body during the eighth week of pregnancy:

Weight gain: Here is the ideal weight gain as per your BMI (7).

Fatigue: As the body works harder to nourish the embryo, you will start feeling tired and need more rest.

Morning sickness: The increased level of hormones in the body can make you feel queasy.

Food aversions and cravings: Due to the hormonal fluctuations, you may develop cravings and aversion towards certain foods.

A heightened sense of smell: You’ll become more sensitive to certain smells, which can cause nausea too.

Leg cramps: Leg cramps at night time are quite common. Drinking a lot of water and stretching the legs can help relieve this discomfort. Image: iStock

Constipation: The progesterone hormone relaxes the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down digestion. Taking more fiber (but not too much) can help prevent constipation.

Bloating: Due to the fluctuations in the hormonal levels, the digestion process is slowed down, resulting in the formation of gas. Excessive secretion of saliva, pain in thumb and index figure, and dizziness can be seen.

Changes In The Body In The 8th Week Of Pregnancy

Following are some noticeable external changes that usually happen at this time:

Tender breasts

Women who already have children can show up the bump early as the abdominal muscles get stretched in the previous pregnancies.

Weird dreams are normal owing to the many thoughts you have at this time.


When To Call The Doctor

If you experience any of these symptoms, see a doctor.

Painful uterine contractions

Bleeding through vagina

Watery fluid through vagina

Ectopic pregnancy

The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy can be similar to those of a normal pregnancy. However, the signs get distinct as days pass (10).

Light vaginal bleeding

Nausea and vomiting

Abdominal pain and cramps



The symptoms of miscarriage may include (9):

Bleeding in early pregnancy: brown discharge, bright red spotting or blood clots

The tissues are sloughed off through the vagina

A gush of pink vaginal fluid

Abdominal pain or cramps

The symptoms of early pregnancy start to disappear slowly

Dizziness and lightheadedness

If you do not experience any of these symptoms, set up an initial visit to the doctor for a basic checkup. Read on to know what your first OB appointment entails.

How To Prepare For The First OB Appointment?

For your first OB/GYN visit:

Carry all the medical records that include the medications and supplements you are taking. The doctor can accordingly advise you to continue or stop the medications.

Make a note of the LMP (last menstrual period). It helps in calculating the due date. If you have irregular periods or forget the date, then the doctor will go for an early scan to determine the gestational age.

Make a list of the questions you have and get all your doubts cleared. Also talk about any concerns about the pregnancy, especially if you have had complications in the previous one.

Read on to know more about the visit to the OB/GYN.

Your OB/GYN Visit

A checkup in this week will include:

Blood test to check for glucose, hemoglobin, blood group of the partner and patient.

Urine test to check for proteins

Viral markers

Blood pressure


Ultrasound scan: An early scan, also called a viability scan or dating scan may be advised by the doctor to see if the pregnancy is proceeding properly (11). It helps:

The doctor will also ask you about any specific health issues and recommend further tests if necessary. It is important that you follow a healthy diet and lifestyle during this vulnerable period.

Tips To Follow

Here are some tips you must follow:

Eat small meals at regular intervals, avoid uncooked, spicy, deep-fried, and fatty foods.

Drink a lot of water to keep yourself hydrated.

Avoid strenuous exercises, sleep of at least eight hours a day.

Take good dental care, proper bathing, and change clothes everyday.

You may have nibble crackers before getting up from bed in the morning to ease morning sickness.

Follow a healthy diet, which includes lean meat, cereals, dairy products, fresh and natural foods (fruits and vegetable).

Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Don’t skip meals or lie down immediately after having meals.

In the case of nausea, drink lemonade or eat watermelon or sniff a lemon.

Chewing ginger can help relieve nausea.

Listen to calm music, keep high self-esteem, and communicate with the unborn baby.

Take the vitamin supplements (folic acid, vitamin B6) daily.

If you have any concerns and discomforts, talk to your partner about it and consult a doctor if necessary.

Avoid extreme chemical treatments of hair.

Avoid taking medicines without your doctor’s permission.

Avoid raw pineapple and papaya

Your partner can also pitch in to make you feel better during this week. Find out how next.

Tips For Dad-to-be

Here is what your partner can do:

Accompany you to the prenatal visits.

Help with daily household chores.

Go for a walk or accompany you during light exercises.

Plan for the baby’s room or how to prepare for the little one’s arrival.

Go shopping for maternity wears.

Avoid arguments with partner.