Sunburn in babies can be quite painful for them to endure. Sunburn occurs when your skin is excessively exposed to the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun (1). Our skin produces a pigment known as melanin to protect itself from sun damage. However, if the UV light’s intensity exceeds the melanin’s ability to protect the skin, the person can get sunburn. Thus, the fairer a person’s skin, the more likely they are to land up with a sunburn. The more natural melanin pigment one’s skin produces, the lesser the chances of getting a sunburn. And since the damage caused to the skin is just like a burn, it’s referred to as sunburn. In this post, we tell you how to protect your baby’s skin from sunburn and the dos and don’ts if your baby has sunburn.

How Does A Baby Get Sunburn?

Here are the reasons why sunburns are caused in babies (2) (3): The causes of sunburn mostly are preventable. Thus, it is ideal to take necessary preventive measures to save your baby from sunburn.

How To Prevent Sunburn In Babies?

To prevent sunburn (4):

How To Tell If The Baby Has A Sunburn?

The first signs of sunburn appear six to 12 hours after exposure to the sun (5). You will notice the following symptoms of sunburn in babies: Usually, sunburn does not cause anything beyond the redness and tenderness of the skin. But in some cases, there can be extensive damage to the skin, and you will have to take the baby to the doctor.

When To Visit The Doctor For A Baby’s Sunburn?

Sunburn in babies needs immediate medical intervention when the infant displays the following symptoms (7) (8):

Blisters on the sunburnt skin, which usually emerge a few to several hours after exposure Fever and chills Fussiness Decrease in appetite Severe pain in the affected area and the baby seems irritable when the dermis comes into contact with anything Acute inflammation of the eye or the baby has trouble with vision

Extensive sunburns can even cause dehydration and heatstroke. If the baby shows any of the symptoms mentioned above, take them to a doctor. Symptoms of sunburn are at their worst 24 hours after sun exposure and usually go away within five to seven days, with proper home care.

What To Do If A Baby Gets A Sunburn?

Here is what you should do if the baby gets sunburnt (8) (9): Pediatricians usually recommend topical antibiotics to prevent infection due to the ruptured blisters. The doctor may also suggest anesthetic eye drops to alleviate pain in the case of sunburnt eyes.

What Not To Do If A Baby Has A Sunburn?

Avoid these when your baby has a sunburn (10) (11): When babies get sunburnt, the most affected areas are usually on the face, the eyes, and the delicate skin around them.

Can Babies’ Eyes Get Sunburned?

Yes. Even an infant’s eyes are susceptible to sunburn. The sunburn of the eyes is called photokeratitis. It causes redness, irritation, and inflammation in the eyeball. In extreme cases, it could result in blurry vision too (5). Not wearing protective sunglasses with UV protection can result in photokeratitis.
