“Is it safe to eat sodium citrate during pregnancy?” is commonly asked by many expecting mothers when they want to use it for acidity issues. Although some people use sodium citrate for various reasons, pregnant women may have concerns regarding their baby’s health. Therefore, it is recommended to seek medical advice before taking sodium citrate during pregnancy. And one should consider it only when the benefits outweigh the risks. Sodium citrate can increase water retention, so the pregnancy swelling can worsen. Hence, seeking advice before using any medications, including traditional and herbal remedies, during pregnancy is essential. Keep reading this post as we tell you more about the safety of sodium citrate during pregnancy.

What Is Sodium Citrate?

Sodium citrate, also called citric acid, is an important ingredient found in antacids. Women often complain of heartburn during pregnancy. This is because the uterus expands and pushes the lower abdomen i.e. stomach and intestines upwards. As a result of the excess pressure on your lower body, women experience heartburn or acidic stomach. For most people, the best way to combat acidity is to consume antacids. But is it safe during pregnancy?

What Are The Uses Of Sodium Citrate?

Sodium citrate is used to treat many disorders. Following are some of the uses of Sodium Citrate:

1. Makes Urine Less Acidic:

Sodium citrate belongs to the class of Urinary Alkalinizers and makes urine less acidic. Less acidic urine contains less uric acid that helps prevent gout and kidney stones (1)

2. Treats Acidosis:

Sodium citrate prevents acidosis and helps treat other kidney and metabolic problems. So, if you are suffering from an acidic gastrointestinal tract, then your health expert may recommend medicines that contain Sodium citrate (2).

Is It Safe To Eat Sodium Citrate During Pregnancy?

Though you can safely consume sodium citrate during pregnancy, always consult your doctor to know about the proper dosage first. Also, if sodium citrate is causing discomfort, do not ignore the symptoms and be in regular touch with your healthcare provider. It is possible that your doctor may replace sodium citrate medicines with some other medication.

What Are The Side Effects of Sodium Citrate?

If you are expecting and consuming sodium citrate to treat heartburn or acidity, then you might notice the following side effects (1):

Nausea, Vomiting Diarrhea

Some other major side effects of sodium citrate consumption that can make you uncomfortable while pregnant are:

Nutrient Loss: If the above symptoms of vomiting and nausea persist for too long, then your body will start losing the major nutrients required for the healthy growth of your fetus.

Water Retention: The salts present in sodium citrate cause water retention in the body (3). Water retention is one of the major problems during pregnancy, and sodium Citrate aggravates the problem further. So, if you notice any such symptom, rush to your medical expert immediately.

What Are The Alternative Medicines?

Your health expert might prescribe you an alternative medication to treat gastrointestinal acidity in case you experience any side effects with sodium citrate. Some of the alternative medicines that are safe to consume during pregnancy are:

Antacids that contain calcium carbonate (4). Products containing magnesium hydroxide (5) or Medicines that contain Magnesium Oxide (6)
