Nosebleeds, also called epistaxis, may look scary but are mostly harmless. The nose has blood vessels close to the external surface, and therefore they get injured easily (1). It is not uncommon to see nosebleeds in teenagers. Usually, these happen in winters or too dry climates. Read this post to know the types, causes, treatment, prevention, signs you need to see a doctor, and tips on stopping nose bleeding in teenagers.

What Are The Types Of Nosebleeds?

There are two types of nosebleeds (2):

Anterior nosebleeds are the most common and account for 90% of nosebleeds. The bleeding originates from the front part of the nose. It could be due to allergies, nose picking, or dry air.

Posterior nosebleeds come from deep parts and may be difficult to manage. High blood pressure, airway obstruction, or trauma are some of the reasons for these bleeds.

Causes Of Nosebleeds In Teenagers

There are common and less common causes of nosebleeds in teenagers. The common reasons often related to anterior nosebleeds. Some of the severe causes that may lead to both anterior and posterior nosebleeds are: Occasional nosebleeds are not a cause of concern. You can try to stop it by taking some measures.

How To Stop Nosebleeds In Teenagers?

Here are some dos and don’ts that your child may follow to stop nose bleeding (11) (12): Dos

Sit up straight or stand upright.

Lean forward and breathe through the mouth.

Pinch nose slightly above nostrils for about 15 minutes. The pressure can stop the bleeding.

Place an ice pack on the nose. Image: Shutterstock

Use a topical vasoconstrictor.


Do not lie down or do not tilt the head upside down or backward. This way, blood may go into the windpipe, resulting in choking or coughing.

Do not put pressure on the nose after bleeding has stopped.

Do not stuff the nose with tissues, and do not blow nose when it is bleeding.

Do not poke or pick at the clot formed within the nostril after bleeding.

The teen should avoid putting a finger or blow nose for the next two to three days. It is good to avoid strenuous activity like outdoor sports and lifting heavy weights. Reduce the intake of hot beverages for 24 hours after bleeding.

When To See A Doctor?

See a doctor if the teen has frequent nosebleeds and during the following circumstances (13).

Nosebleeding is frequent and the condition does not resolve

Bleeding often lasts for more than ten minutes

Nosebleed due to an injury

Unable to breathe Image: iStock

A foreign object got into the nose

Blood volume is too large

Feeling too weak or dizzy

Blood in gums, urine, or stool

Based on the diagnosis and symptoms, the doctor may suggest treatment options.

Treatment For Nosebleeds In Teenagers

If the nosebleed is due to some underlying condition, treatment for that problem will address nosebleeding too. In other cases, the most common treatment methods for nosebleeds in teens are (14) (15):

Nasal packing: The doctor may use nasal sponges or ribbon gauze to stop bleeding and accelerate clotting.

Cauterization: It is a medical procedure in which the doctor may use electric current, laser, or silver nitrate to burn the blood vessel that is bleeding.

Medications: Based on the cause (such as high blood pressure), some teenagers may be prescribed medicines to control bleeding and pain. Image: iStock

Surgical repair: In the case of a deviated septum or broken nose, a surgical procedure may be required. One method is arterial ligation, in which the blood vessel is tied to prevent bleeding.

The treatment of nosebleeds is carried out with the oversight of a doctor. As the teen grows, there is likely to be a complete resolution of nosebleeding with the help of treatment.

How To Prevent Nosebleeds In Teenagers?

Here are some tips to help prevent nosebleeds from happening (13).
