Marijuana is a mix of dried leaves, stems, and flowers of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. The most potent ingredient in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC. This chemical has psychotropic effects that can change one’s mood and consciousness (1) (2). According to the 2018 National Survey on Drug Use and Health conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Agency, marijuana is the most common illicit drug used in the US. The survey results also suggest that around 33% of 10th graders and 44% of 12th graders have used marijuana in their lifetime (3). Read this post as we give you some facts about the use of marijuana among teens, its effects on the teenage brain, the signs of teens using it, and ways to prevent marijuana addiction.

Facts About The Use Of Marijuana Among Teenagers

The following are some facts about the use of marijuana by American teenagers.

Prevention Of Marijuana Use In Teens

No amount of marijuana is considered safe, so parents should help teenagers avoid using marijuana. Here are some ways in which you may help them (7).

Signs Of Marijuana Use In Teens

The different ways marijuana can be used make it difficult for parents to identify the signs of marijuana usage in their teenagers. However, you could look out for the following signs (5) (7).

1. Physical and psychological signs

The physical and psychological signs vary in severity. They are often temporary and last only up to a few hours after using the drug.

Red eyes Increase in blood pressure Headaches and dizziness Forgetfulness Nausea and vomiting Anxiety Giggly and talkative Hallucinations

2. Behavioral signs

Taking unexpected risks while driving Indulging in unprotected sexual behavior Mixing marijuana with other substances such as alcohol, opioids, or other drugs Not quitting the addiction despite problems in life Stocking up on marijuana supply Avoiding social interactions that do not involve marijuana use Losing interest in hobbies Skipping classes or schools Smelling of marijuana Having a change in personality and appearance

Some common places where marijuana users tend to hide their stock include

Water bottles specially designed to hide drugs CD/DVD cases Packages of over-the-counter drugs Electrical outlets Towels Mattresses Under their undergarments

Effects Of Marijuana Use On Teenagers

When a person smokes marijuana, the THC goes to the bloodstream through the lungs and then reaches the brain and other organs (8). Marijuana may be detected in a drug test several weeks after intake (8). The following are some of the effects of marijuana use.

Short-term effects

When marijuana smoke is inhaled, the (1)

Heart rate increases Bronchial passages in the lungs dilate Blood vessels in the eyes expand

These physical changes give rise to (1) (9)

Altered senses (perceiving brighter colors) Mood changes

Slow reaction Difficulty in balance and coordination Increased appetite Difficulty with thinking and problem solving Difficulty with memory Hallucinations (seeing things that are not present) and delusions (believing things that are not true) Increase in aggression Suicidal thoughts Worsening of mental health

Long-term effects

Other effects

Some other effects of using marijuana regularly include (8)

Decreased immunity Lower intelligence Decreased athletic performance Relationship problems Reduced life satisfaction Misuse of other substances, such as opioids (10).
