If you are an expecting mother, you would know that standing for long hours during pregnancy becomes difficult with the increase in the baby’s size. Therefore, you are often suggested walking or changing positions at regular intervals. However, if your occupation requires you to stand for a long time, you should take small steps regularly because prolonged standing can give you back pain and adversely affect your baby’s growth. You should also take some important safety measures to lower the impact of standing so you do not have to deal with its side effects. Keep reading to know more about the safety of standing for a long duration during pregnancy, how it affects your health, and what you can do to overcome it.

Is It Safe To Stand Too Long During Pregnancy?

Your doctor may advise you against standing for a long time if you are having any complications. Standing for a long duration, especially in late pregnancy, may cause back pain and discomfort in legs. It may also reduce the flow of blood to the fetus, therefore, affecting that baby’s growth reducing the availability of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus (1). Research studies show that standing for long hours affects the growth of the baby. One study has found that women standing for more than 25 hours per week could give birth to babies who weigh 148-198g less than the babies born to women who do not stand for that long. Babies born to mothers who stand for too long might also have a head circumference a centimeter shorter (2) (3), which may affects the baby neuro-development. We’ll tell you about some more effects in the later sections.

How Long Should You Stand When Pregnant?

You may stand as long as you feel comfortable and until there is no pain or discomfort in your back or legs. If your job demands you to stand for a long time, then it is good to move your legs often and take a walk or keep one foot on a small step stool to feel better (1).

How Does Standing For Long Hours Affect You And Your Unborn Baby?

Standing for long hours may sometimes aggravate pregnancy symptoms or affect you and your baby in the following ways. Most of these effects are for women who have the occupational requirement of continuous standing for long periods.

How To Overcome The Effects Of Standing When Pregnant?

Standing might not be a concern as long as you walk around comfortably. But, if your work or lifestyle requires you to stand for prolonged periods, you may have to take the following measures.

Wear footwear that has the right arch and heel support for a comfortable standing position.

Wear compression stockings as they promote blood circulation and prevent swollen feet and clots formation.

As you get into your late second and third trimester, consider wearing a maternity belt. Wrapping it over and under your belly will provide support and relieve lower back pain.

Take frequent short walks. It could help with blood circulation. It also eases constipation and supports delivery.

Consume sufficient water and healthy juices to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Avoid caffeinated drinks as they can cause dehydration.

Talk to your manager about your pregnancy issues and see if you can switch to a work that does not involve long standing hours. If that is not possible, ask for more breaks and use a footrest or low stool to prop one foot for support.

 Manage your stress levels by doing some breathing exercises and meditation.

Sleeping on the left side which increase blood circulation helping the swelling.

Also, you need to talk to your doctor about your occupational requirements and get clearance from them.

Do Not Hesitate To Take Rest

Whether it is your workplace or home, do not hesitate to sit and relax in between your work. Let the others know that you are pregnant and need to take breaks. There is nothing embarrassing about it because you are doing one of the best jobs in this world – giving birth to a new life.
