Glucosamine is a natural substance present in the body that supports the formation of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons and is found in the fluid that cushions our joints. Therefore, glucosamine supplements are used to manage osteoarthritis (1). However, you should consult with your doctor before using glucosamine when pregnant. Pregnancy may change the way most substances react in the body. Moreover, some supplements or medications may not be safe for the growing fetus. Glucosamine may help decrease the pace of breakdown of joints, but is it safe for pregnant women? Continue reading this post, which explains whether the consumption of glucosamine supplements during pregnancy is safe and its potential side effects.

Can You Take Glucosamine During Pregnancy?

There is no sufficient information regarding the safety of glucosamine during pregnancy. A study conducted on pregnant women by the University of Toronto stated that there was no increased risk of major malformations or other adverse fetal effects on using glucosamine during pregnancy (2). The research report also stated that this study utilized limited data, and may have limitations. The research paper ‘Over-The-Counter Medications in Pregnancy,’ observes that “glucosamine use by pregnant women with painful arthritis appears to be safe.” It also cited a study among 54 women where only one major malformation was found, and other birth defects such as stillbirth, abortion, preterm birth, or other maternal morbidity were not found (3). However, as there are no well-controlled studies to determine the safety of glucosamine supplements during pregnancy, you should take them only under the supervision of your doctor.

The general recommended dosage of glucosamine is 1500mg per day. Since different brands have different concentrations of glucosamine, you should read the labels carefully before consuming the supplements  (4). Also, the dosage may or may not vary for pregnant women, and you must consult your Ob/Gyn before consuming the medicine.

What Are The Side Effects Of Glucosamine During Pregnancy?

There are no adequate studies to determine the side effects of glucosamine on the fetus. However, here are some general side effects of glucosamine on the user (4).

If the supplement is made from shellfish, then there is a possibility of triggering an allergic reaction if you are allergic to shellfish. Stomach cramps Image: Shutterstock Diarrhea and nausea Constipation Glucosamine is a type of sugar, so seek doctor’s advice before taking it if you have diabetes

This post is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for a doctor’s consultation. Do not use any medication without talking to your doctor.
