Is It Safe To Eat Grapes During Pregnancy?

Grapes are sugar-rich fruit rich in vitamins, organic acids, folic acid, pectin, and fiber. Besides, it contains several antioxidants that can benefit health over time. Hence, it would help to eat grapes during pregnancy in moderation to get sufficient nutrients and enjoy the fruit’s health benefits (1). Keeping grape intake in control is vital as they contain high levels of resveratrol, which in excess can be toxic (2). If you like eating dried grapes (raisins), you should eat them in moderation. Read on to learn more about the possible health benefits of grapes for expecting mothers, when you should avoid eating grapes, and some tasty grape recipes you can make for yourself. [Read: Nutritious Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy]

Nutritional Value In Grapes

Apart from the above nutrients, ripe grapes are likely to contain the following nutrients that might do a world of good for you and your baby:

Glucose and fructose sugars. Rich vitamin complex – A, C, K, P, and B group. Organic acids – citric, malic, ascorbic, tartaric, and more. Antioxidants like flavonol, anthocyanins, linalool, geraniol, tannin, and nerol. Calcium, iron, potassium, cobalt, manganese, and other elements. The skin contains pectin and some fiber. Biologically active compounds like phenols (5) (6).

10 Health Benefits Of Grapes During Pregnancy

If a pregnant woman adds grapes in her diet, it may influence her health condition, appearance, and the baby’s health and development in the following ways.

1. Anti-inflammatory properties

The anti-inflammatory properties in grapes could help you control arthritis and asthma that might aggravate in pregnancy. The hydrating ability of grapes might increase the moisture in the lungs, thus keeping you away from asthma.

2. Antioxidants for immunity

Grapes are rich in antioxidants such as flavonol, anthocyanins, linalool, geraniol, and tannin, all of which help boost your immunity and may prevent infections (6).

3. Magnesium for muscle cramps

Grapes contain good amounts of magnesium (1) that may help relieve cramps during pregnancy.

4. Fiber for constipation

Grapes contain dietary fiber, which acts as a laxative. It may help provide relief from constipation that is common in pregnancy.

5. Resveratrol controls cholesterol levels

Red grapes contain resveratrol compounds that may help control cholesterol during pregnancy. This enzyme is known to improve bile performance, which keeps blood fat under check (8). Consume the fruit and not the juice, since its ingestion of concentrated sugars might be too fast. Also, you may miss out on the fiber when it is juiced.

6. Organic acids

Organic acids present in grapes (9) help neutralize the bacterium in the oral cavity. They also support the formation and maintenance of calcium.

7. Polyphenols for heart

During pregnancy, moms-to-be could experience heart problems. The polyphenols present in grapes may extend support to the heart system (10).

8. Iron

Grapes contain iron that might help in maintaining a healthy hemoglobin level. They may be good for women with anemia. Red grapes contain more iron than any other grape variety.

9. Some other benefits

The components present in grapes may improve memory and eyesight and can stimulate cerebral circulation. Therefore, fresh grapes and grape juice are recommended if you are suffering from weakness, tiredness, nervous breakdown, and stress.

10. For the baby

Vitamin B in grapes might aid in the body’s metabolism and could help the growing fetus receive more nutrients. Sodium may support the nervous system development, Vitamin A and flavanol might protect the baby’s eyesight, and folate may lower the chances of neural tube defects. But before you settle on a couch with a cup of grapes, we would caution you to limit the portions of this fruit. Like any other food, grapes could be harmful when overeaten.

How Can Grapes Be Bad For You?

Here are some side effects of grapes in pregnancy:

1. Toxicity

The major problem of consuming grapes in excess amounts is that they contain large amounts of resveratrol. It is a toxic compound (7) that may be dangerous for pregnant women whose hormones are imbalanced. It may also lead to resveratrol poisoning that could further cause many complications during pregnancy. It is found in grapes with dark skin, such as black and red ones.

2. Thick skin could cause diarrhea

Black and red grapes have thick skin that might be difficult to digest. It could lead to diarrhea in women with a weak digestive system.

3. Raw grapes are a big no-no

Raw and sour grapes are acidic. Consuming too many of them could cause heartburn, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

4. Sugars may hike blood sugar levels

Although the natural sugars present in grapes taste perfect, they might increase the blood sugar levels. Have we left you confused? If “To eat or not to eat,” is your question, then let’s tell you that you need not avoid grapes unless you fall under the ‘risk’ category.

When To Avoid Grapes During Pregnancy?

If you are falling under any of the below groups, it may be ideal to avoid eating grapes during pregnancy, as it could lead to severe complications.

Diabetes mellitus Obesity Susceptible to allergies Indigestion

Also, eat only in their fruiting season as non-season grapes are grown using pesticides and chemicals. Go for organic varieties whenever possible.

How To Consume Grapes When Pregnant?

You can include whole fruits or grape juice in your diet.

Easy Recipes With Grapes

It is good to eat grapes as a whole. But you may try these recipes occasionally.

1. Chicken with red grapes

You will need:

2tbsp. butter 1tbsp. olive oil 4 skinless and boneless halved chicken breasts 1 cup heavy cream 1tbsp. dried thyme 1tsp salt and 1 tsp black pepper 1 cup seedless rinsed red grapes

How to:

2. Caramel grapes

This is a delicacy but is high in sugars, so consume this after careful consideration. You will need:

2 cups sour cream ½ cup confectioners’ sugar 2tbsp. vanilla extract 5 cups green seedless grapes 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar

How to:

3. Grape salad

You will need:

1lb green seedless grapes 1lb red seedless grapes A pack of softened cream cheese A jar of marshmallow cream A pack of slivered almonds

How to:

4. White chocolate grapes

You will need:

2 cups white chocolate chips 2tsp shortening 1lb seedless grapes 1 cup finely chopped salted peanuts

How to:

5. Garlic chicken and grapes

You will need:

3tbsp prepared Dijon-style mustard 3tbsp soy sauce 2tbsp honey 2tbsp white wine vinegar 2 cloves minced garlic 2tbsp vegetable oil 3 pounds of skinless, boneless halved chicken breasts 1tbsp sesame seeds 2 cups seedless grapes

How to: Grapes are nutritious, but they could be bad for you if you fall into the risk category. Before avoiding the fruit out of fear, talk to your doctor and find out if it could harm you and your baby in any way. Take a decision to eat or avoid based on their recommendation.
