Lime juice may have several health benefits when consumed regularly. However, many women may be curious about the safety of consuming lime juice during pregnancy. It is often considered good for health and does not risk pregnant women. However, since every woman is different, it is important to consult a doctor before consuming it. Moreover, excess consumption of lime juice may have adverse health effects such as causing oral health issues, acidity, or heartburn. Read the post to get complete information on the nutritional value of lime juice, its benefits, and its side effects during pregnancy.

Is It Safe To Drink Lime Juice During Pregnancy?

Most medical experts will say that drinking lemon juice during pregnancy is safe (1). However, every pregnancy is unique, and your body may respond differently to the change. Therefore, it is always important to check with your doctor before you take anything.

Nutritional Value Of Lime Juice

A cup of undiluted lemon juice contains approximately 0.7 gram of dietary fiber, 6.2 gram of sugar, 0.9 gram of protein, 54 calories, 16 gram of carbohydrates and 0.6 gram of fat. It is a rich source of vitamin C, folate and potassium, all of which are essential while you are pregnant. Lemon juice also contains minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, phosphorus, riboflavin and pantothenic acid. It also has vitamins A, B6 and E (2). According to Mya Bellinger, a qualified medical practitioner specializing in internal medicine, immunology, and gynecology, “Potassium in the lime juice may help in the formation of strong bones as well as promote healthy brain development in the unborn child.” Be aware of these points before you have lemon juice in your pregnancy:

1. Can cause acidity, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal issues

Lemon is a citrus fruit and consuming too much lemon juice can cause problems like acidity and heartburn. It can also lead to gastrointestinal issues like stomachaches, diarrhea or indigestion in the later stage of your pregnancy. Stop drinking lemon juice the moment you experience discomfort. If the symptoms do not go away, speak to your doctor about it (1).

2. Problems in oral health

Lemon juice contains citric acid and excessive intake of it when you are pregnant can dent your teeth’s enamel. Try and mix it with water and use a straw to sip it to minimize the erosion of your teeth enamel. Your risk of getting gingivitis also increases when you are pregnant (1).

3. Increases risk of foodborne illnesses

The safest way to have lemon juice, when you are pregnant, is to make it fresh at home. Always wash the lemon and ensure the utensils and appliances are clean. Your immunity levels are at an all-time low when you are pregnant. Drinking unpasteurized lemon juice can increase the risk of contracting bacteria like E-coli or salmonella. These bacteria can attack your gastrointestinal tract and affect your digestion. A foodborne illness is dangerous as it can harm your unborn baby as well as you. Maintaining hygiene in your kitchen can help you keep gastrointestinal infections at bay during pregnancy.

Benefits Of Lemon Juice In Pregnancy

Lemon is high in Vitamin C, a vital vitamin which enhances immunity. Drinking lemon juice during your pregnancy can have the following benefits for both you and your baby: Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water can help prevent or reduce the swelling in your feet when you are pregnant. You can also drink a mix of lemon juice and bitter gourd juice. It is good for preventing and reducing the problem of swelling in feet that is common during pregnancy. Mya Bellinger adds, “The high antioxidants and vitamin C content in lime juice have anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce swelling.” High blood pressure is often a common problem during pregnancy. Mix the juice of half a lime and two tablespoons of tartar cream. Drinking it will help keep your blood pressure levels in check (1).
