Dark circles under baby eyes are generally uncommon. However, they may not indicate a cause of concern, even if the condition is present. Most dark circles in babies are not caused by poor health or insufficient sleep (1). Instead, some babies may have them because the skin around the eyes may be thin and sensitive, or they may have been passed from the parents. However, if you notice dark circles in your babies, it is advisable to consult a doctor to rule out the chances of having an underlying issue. This post explains the possible causes of dark circles in babies and answers some commonly asked questions related to the topic.

What Are Dark Circles?

Dark circles are dark blemishes around the eyes. They could be a signal of some inconvenience or an allergy, and rarely a critical condition. The skin around the eyelids is called the periorbital skin. If the dark circles are caused due to higher than usual melanin production, it is called ‘periorbital hyperpigmentation’ (2).

Are Dark Circles In Babies Normal?

Dark circles in babies are not common. However, they are not always a cause for worry. Dark circles in babies could be due to nasal congestion or merely hereditary (1). The skin under the eyes is very thin. So, chances also exist that if your baby is overtired, constant rubbing of eyes could cause sensitive skin to turn red. However, there is no harm in consulting a pediatrician if you feel worried about your baby’s dark circles.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Baby’s Eyes?

According to Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner from the University of Utah Health, dark circles under the baby’s eyes can often result from sleep issues or nasal congestion (3). Babies might get dark circles from the exposure to allergens or irritants. Here is a list of a few possible reasons for dark circles in babies:

The thin and sensitive skin under the eyes makes blood vessels look darker. It is the most common cause.

A few babies may have comparatively thinner skin than others, making dark circles more noticeable.

Dark circles might be an inherited trait and run in families. In this case, the baby could get them.

Congestion of the nose might lead to an obstruction in the veins and a reduction in blood flow, resulting in the swelling of veins under the eyes. This makes dark circles prominent.

Tiredness in babies could be another cause of dark circles. The complexion of a tired baby might be pale, resulting in the darker appearance of blood vessels beneath the skin under the eye. Image: Shutterstock

In rare cases, allergic conditions, eczema, bacterial infections in the sinuses, respiratory infection, or dehydration could also be the cause of dark, bluish circles under eyes in babies (4).

In extremely rare cases, bulging and dark circles around the eyes may mean a tumor of the nerves. The condition is called neuroblastoma (5). According to the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals, dark circles may indicate neuroblastoma spread to the area behind the eye (6). Dark circles are not uncommon, so generally, nothing needs to be done. If the baby is eating well, has a healthy weight gain, and is sleeping well, there is generally no need to be concerned. However, you may take some simple measures to manage them.

Measures To Take For Dark Circles In Babies

You may try these remedies at home:

Ensure that the baby sleeps enough, eats well, is active, and shows healthy weight gain. Image: Shutterstock

If allergies are the cause, protect your baby from potential irritants like pollen, dust, etc. Clean your baby’s eyes using a wet washcloth and warm water.

Clip their nails to avoid scratches on the face and eyes.

When To See A Doctor?

You may take your baby to a doctor if they:

Do not eat or sleep well or are constantly unhappy. Suddenly develop dark rings. Have a constantly running nose. Have watery, red, or itchy eyes. Have a constantly itchy nose, and sneeze more than is considered normal.

Can Dark Circles In Babies Be Treated?

Dark circles in babies can be treated by treating the cause. In case your baby has developed dark circles due to nasal congestion, then treating the same is the solution. Likewise, if your baby has developed dark circles due to allergies, then treating the allergy and keeping the baby away from allergens is the ultimate solution. Whatever may be the cause, the right diagnosis, and prompt treatment could help in managing and treating the dark circles in babies.
