Having a crush is a beautiful feeling. Each time you see them, you feel butterflies in your stomach and get all giddy and sweaty in their presence. You may also wonder how to talk to your crush without being awkward when you can’t even look them in the eyes. Many people go clueless when talking to their crush, especially when it’s their first time. Either they back off entirely and get friend-zoned or go all out confessing their feelings, eventually scaring them away. However, if you keep certain tips in mind, you can engage your crush in exciting conversations and get them to go out with you. Scroll down as we guide you on ways to talk to your crush and help you win them over.

How To Talk To Your Crush Without Being Awkward

An awkward conversation may drop all your chances of being with your crush. Keep a note of these tips so you impress your crush and get along well together.

1. Know their interests

Before talking to your crush, try to know their interests, passion, likings, and other details so that you know what to talk to them about. You may get a rough idea about them from their friends and social media accounts. If they love reading or playing basketball, ask them questions about their favorite author or basketball player. However, avoid acting like you know more about them, which may put you in an awkward situation.

2. Ask interesting questions

If you are not a great conversationalist, you can engage your crush in exciting conversations by asking the right questions. Keep interesting questions ready before talking to them to make them open up about themselves. Asking more questions will help you avoid boring small talks and get you close to them in no time. It will also lead to great conversations and help you work out a good connection.

3. Compliment them

Giving your crush compliments can work wonders. However, be honest when complimenting and avoid obvious ones. Genuine compliments will make them feel special, and they will think about you and your compliments even after the date. You may start with appreciating their taste in books, music, and style.

4. Keep it casual to make them comfortable

It is normal to feel overwhelmed when you talk to your crush, and you may want to confess your feelings early out of excitement. However, take your time and know them well before making any move. If your crush is a colleague or a classmate, the whole event may turn awkward and embarrassing. So, take it slow, only ask them out when they are comfortable with you, and open up to them about your feelings only when you know they are into you.

5. Be a good listener

Listening plays a huge role in making a good connection. So, instead of blabbering all the time, listen to your crush. So, when you talk to them, look them in the eyes and never get distracted by your phone. When you give them your undivided attention, they will know what they mean to you and enjoy a conversation with you.

6. Use your humor

If you are blessed with a good sense of humor, use it to your advantage when talking to your crush. Making them laugh hard is the easy way to their heart. If you do not have a good sense of humor, don’t force humor that will do more harm than good. However, memorizing some jokes and telling them at the right time may work things in your favor.

7. Keep the conversation going

After making an initial impression, it is essential to keep the conversation going. But it doesn’t mean you text your crush all the time. Instead, know when to start a conversation and end it on a good note to flare up the attraction. Also, it will leave them wanting more. Always have a backup plan so that you can go to it when the conversation hits a dead-end or gets monotonous.

8. Ask their opinion

Asking your crush for an opinion, even though you do not need it, will make them feel important. They will know that you value their insight and make your bond stronger. If everything goes well, they may also turn up to you when they need clarity on something.

9. Make use of social media

If you find it hard to stay grounded around your crush and feel nervous about approaching them, it is a good idea to talk to them on social media. Get their Instagram or Facebook IDs and start texting them casually. Keep the conversations exciting by sending memes or interesting posts. You may also tag them in funny and cute posts and let them know they are in your mind. Once you connect, you may ask them out for a date.

10. Don’t be needy

When you develop strong feelings for someone, you may want to talk to them all the time, and even a late response may frustrate you. Being needy is a sign of insecurity and low self-esteem. So, if you come across as a needy person, your crush may get turned off. Hence, don’t throw yourself at your crush. Instead, maintain your integrity, and they will come to you. Talking to your crush is about holding your nerves and following a consistent approach. So be patient and give your crush ample time to get comfortable with you. Don’t hesitate to flirt a little, but be respectful. Following how to talk to your crush without being awkward will guide you on the right path and make them fall head over heels for you. Once you both engage in meaningful and interesting conversations and make a bond, up your game and ask them out.