Consumption of acai berries has several health benefits. Some believe that these berries help treat sexual disorders and reduce weight. However, women might be apprehensive about eating acai berry during pregnancy. Since these berries are nutrient-dense, one might be tempted to eat them. However, it would be wise to know their effects on pregnancy before consuming them. If you are a berry lover and want to explore more about if you can eat acai berries during pregnancy, read this post for details.

What Is Acai Berry?

The grape like fruit grows on acai palm trees, endemic to the rainforests of South America. The high nutrient value of acai berry makes it a veritable ‘superfood’. Some positives of consuming the berry include easing arthritis, regulating high cholesterol level, promoting weight loss and improving skin health (1).

Is Acai Berry Safe During Pregnancy?

Acai berry, being a nutrient-dense fruit, can be included in your pregnancy diet. The amino acids present in it promote fetal growth. The abundance of vital minerals and vitamins promote the proper development of your unborn baby. Moreover, the antioxidants in acai berry help your body fight free radicals and lower the risk of abortion or miscarriage. The fiber-rich food improves digestion and helps overcome pregnancy-induced constipation, and diarrhea. If you are allergic to the fruit or other berries, refrain from eating acai berries during pregnancy.

Health Benefits Of Acai Berry During Pregnancy

In recent years, people in western countries have become more inclined towards consuming acai berries during pregnancy, as they contain healthy nutrients and minerals. The potential health benefits of the fruit are:

1. Improves Blood Circulation:

The presence of anthocyanins, a typical type of plant antioxidants, in acai berry eliminates the free radicals and protects you from heart diseases.

The antioxidants help control your blood cholesterol level, and thereby reduce the risk of a stroke, heart attack, or atherosclerosis.

During pregnancy, you are at higher risk of suffering from hypertension. The sterols of acai berries act as vasodilators and help relax your blood vessels, which further lowers your elevated blood pressure levels.

2. Helps Digestion:

The strong detoxifying effects of acai berry help cleanse your digestive system and excrete all the unwanted toxins that have been building up in your stomach.

Moreover, the high levels of dietary fiber promote digestion, and your body can quickly absorb the healthy nutrients from foods.

The dietary fiber regulates your bowel movement during pregnancy and reduces the chances of constipation and other digestive problems.

During the first trimester of gestation, most expectant moms suffer from diarrhea that lasts longer. But, by consuming acai berry or other fiber-rich foods, the stool becomes bulkier, and it helps you overcome the condition.

3. Improves Fertility:

Women who wish to conceive should consume acai berries regularly. The vital nutrients and minerals in the fruit improve fertility rate among women and promote natural conception.

4. Antioxidant Properties:

Acai berry contains healthy natural compounds like procyanidins and flavonoids, which help your body expel harmful toxins.

Your body produces free radicals as by-products of digestion. Exposing your body to excess sunlight or cigarette smoke can trigger violent chemical reactions and impose harmful effects for your baby.

The damage caused by free radicals can also increase your risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

The natural antioxidants present in acai berry neutralize the free radicals and eliminate the toxic wastes.

5. Boosts Immune System:

The high percentages of Vitamin C and ellagic acid in acai berry, make it an excellent immune booster, which in turn keeps your unborn baby safe from infections.

6. Energy Booster:

Consuming acai berry during pregnancy can boost your energy levels and stamina and help you combat fatigue, lethargy, and exhaustion. Whenever you need an energy boost, you can consider eating a handful of acai berries (2).

Risks Of Consuming Acai Berry During Pregnancy

While there are several positive aspects of consuming acai berry during pregnancy, there exist certain risks associated with the fruit:

1. Allergic Reaction:

If you are allergic to berries, pollen or other fruits, consult the gynecologist before including acai berry in your pregnancy diet.

2. High In Calories:

With a heap of health benefits, most women often tend to over-consume acai berries as juice or supplements.

But, as the berry contains a high percentage of sugars and calories, it can trigger many negative effects on your health.

If you suffer from gestational diabetes, avoid acai berry during pregnancy.

Overall it is best to take your doctor’s suggestion on consumption of acai berry, so that they can relate to your symptoms and other medical and allergic conditions and suggest you accordingly since there is no solid evidence on the same.

Ways To Drink Acai Berry Juice

Concentrated acai juice has a rather overwhelming flavor. So, here are some different ways in which you can consume the juice:

Dilute acai juice with plain water, so that you can become habituated with the strong flavor.

You can mix acai juice with other fruit juices like orange, pomegranate, or blackberry juice.

You can mix acai berry juice with soy milk or almond milk.

To cover the potent flavor of acai, try mixing it with your regular coffee.

Recipe Using Acai Berries

Here is a simple acai berry recipe that you can include in your pregnancy diet plan:

Acai Berry Smoothie:

You Will Need:

½ cup acai berry pulp

2 cups orange juice

11 banana sliced

Sugar to taste (skip if you have gestational diabetes or other medical concerns since fruits already have enough sugar content in them.

How To:

Add banana slices, orange juice, acai pulp, and sugar (optional) in a blender.

Blend the contents until you obtain a smooth shake.

Serve the smoothie chilled.

Did you consume acai berry while pregnant? Did you experience any side-effects? Did the fruit help increase your nutritional intake during pregnancy? Tell us more about it here!
