How often should you text a girl to keep her interested? Making relationships online seems to be an easy task as you get the time to think over the things before saying them through the text. But it is not. If you like a girl and want to keep her interest vested in you, you need to know the correct way to do it, as it can make or break your game. For example, you should know that texting her too often might make you look desperate or annoy her, and not texting her at all might portray you as uninterested. Then what should you do? Read on to find out the right ways to text a girl and hold her interest.

How Often Should You Text A Girl To Keep Her Interested?

The timing and frequency of your messages depend upon your relationship with the girl. Here are a few tips based on how long you know her.

Tinder match: If you have started interacting with a girl online or on a dating app, then you need to keep your interactions limited until you meet her in person. Bombarding her inbox with your texts can make you look desperate while disappearing on her after a couple of messages will ruin your chance of ever meeting her. Instead, text her an interesting opening line and wait for her reply. Continue the conversation as per her response. Do not double text to get a reaction from her.

New acquaintance: Do not fall for the ‘three-day rule’ to message a girl you have just met. If you are interested in her, message her the same day after a couple of hours of receiving her number. Do not make her wait too long or else she might think you are playing games with her. Also, do not worry as it won’t make you look desperate but will give her a clear sign that you are interested in her.

Initial dating: During the initial dating phase, you are likely to be excited and may want to text her and talk to her all day long. It is fine as long as you do not overdo it. If the conversation is flowing, reply as and when you can. Do not reply right away, and do not delay your response. Reply within an hour at least or else she might feel you are too busy to give her attention.

After the date: If your date went well and you would like to go on another date, message a couple of hours after the date or the next day itself. Do not wait beyond a day. Also, do not act pricey. Keep it simple. Start the message by telling her how much you enjoyed the date and ask her if she would like to go on a second date with you. Or you can also suggest a place and ask her if she would like to go with you.

Dating for a while: When you are in a relationship and understand your girl, then you can gauge the number of messages you send depending on her reaction. If she loves texting, indulge her with timely responses to her texts. If she is not much into texting, follow her and text only a couple of times a day.

15 Tips On How You Should And Shouldn’t Text Her

Apart from the timing and frequency, there are some etiquettes and points you need to keep in mind when texting a girl.

Dos To Follow When Texting A Girl

Here are some points to keep in mind.

Don’ts To Remember When Texting A Girl

Here are some don’ts you should remember. Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

Ask open-ended questions Compliment her Have fun debates Create your inside joke Follow up on something that she told you about Share random pictures of what you are doing