Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) is commonly used to relieve muscle sprain, and healthcare providers prescribe this drug for short-term usage. However, if you are a lactating woman, you might be concerned about the safety of taking Flexeril when breastfeeding. Much research has not been done to understand the effects of Flexeril on lactation; however, since the drug can be found in breast milk, you should take it with caution. Usually, doctors prescribe Flexeril to lactating women only after considering its benefits and side effects. Read this post to learn more about the safety and side effects of taking Flexeril during breastfeeding and the precautions you should take. We also tell you some natural remedies to treat muscle injuries.

What Is Cyclobenzaprine?

Cyclobenzaprine is a prescription drug that relieves muscle pains. It is a short-term treatment course for various types of muscle injuries such as sprains. It is prescribed along with other healing measures such as physical therapies and adequate rest. Cyclobenzaprine relaxes muscles by working on the central nervous system (CNS). It is available in the form of tablets and extended-release capsules. Flexeril is one of the brand names of cyclobenzaprine. Some other brand names are Amrix, Fexmid, and Comfort Pac-Cyclobenzaprine (1).

Is It Safe To Take Flexeril While Breastfeeding?

There is not enough research on the effects of cyclobenzaprine on human lactation. But the composition of cyclobenzaprine is similar to tricyclic antidepressants such as imipramine or amitriptyline, which are known to interact with breast milk. The use of tricyclic antidepressants is known to cause sinus tachycardia, arrhythmias and stroke. Therefore, nursing mothers should use cyclobenzaprine with caution (2).

Flexeril And Breastfeeding -The Side Effects

Muscle injuries are common, and you may suffer from sprains or strains while you are breastfeeding your child. If you are a nursing mother, it may help you to know about the potential side effects of a drug like cyclobenzaprine (3). Here are some side effects of cyclobenzaprine.

Irregular breathing

Difficulty in breathing/chest tightness.

Puffiness around the eyes

Skin rashes



Dry mouth


Upset stomach

Swellings on the tongue, mouth, lips or face.

In the case of the following severe symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

Rapid heartbeat

Depression or mood swings

Ringing sounds in the ears.



Disturbing thoughts.

A serious case of skin itching or hives.

An overdose of cyclobenzaprine can also produce severe symptoms such as –


Flushed skin

Changes in body temperature.

Problems in breathing



Even if you do not suffer from any of the above side effects while taking cyclobenzaprine, but experience a sense of unease or any other problems after its use, consider it a potential health risk and tell your doctor about it.

Precautions Of Cyclobenzaprine Use While Breastfeeding

If you are a nursing mother, it is very important for you to consider all risks of a drug before you use it. Most drugs pass into breast milk, but they may or may not cause harm to your baby. Here are some cautionary measures to follow if you plan to use cyclobenzaprine while you are breastfeeding your child.

Cyclobenzaprine use will add to the side effects of drugs that are CNS depressants. These are drugs that cause drowsiness by suppressing the nervous system. So if you are taking medicines for colds and allergies, sedatives or any medicine for your sleep problems, any painkillers or drugs for seizures, use cyclobenzaprine with extreme caution. These same considerations apply if you use some form of anesthesia during your dental visits and other medicines you might take to relax your injured or tired muscles.

As a new mother taking care of a small baby, you need to be even more alert than usual. Since the use of Cyclobenzaprine may cause dizziness and drowsiness and suppress your nervous system, disable its use if you find it interfering with the care of your child. Also, practice extreme caution when you drive, use tools or machinery or perform any task that requires extreme attention when you are on cyclobenzaprine. Episodes of dizziness or drowsiness may cause unexpected problems for you and can be extremely dangerous. In addition to increasing your chances of accidents, these problems can be dangerous for your baby.

Use of cyclobenzaprine causes the mouth to become dry. If temporary solutions like chewing a sugarless candy or ice cubes don’t provide relief then, increase your water intake. If the problem persists, consult with your dentist for a solution. Not taking care of this problem may lead to dental decay or gum problems, which in turn will necessitate you to take more drugs for your oral health or undergo dental treatments with anesthesia. All these are potential problems for nursing mothers.

Tell your doctor about any drug allergies you suffer from before taking cyclobenzaprine.

If you have used any MAO inhibitor (MAOIs), then refrain from using cyclobenzaprine for the next two weeks to avoid harmful drug interaction (1). MAOIs are a type of antidepressant drugs. Some common brand names are Marplan, Parnate and Nardil. Therefore, it is very important not to use your MAOIs without your doctor’s approval when using cyclobenzaprine even if your doctor prescribed you your antidepressants at an earlier time.

Natural Remedies For Muscle Injuries While Breastfeeding

If you are not keen on using any drug for your muscle injury while you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor for any natural and safe treatments you can use during this time. Here are some measures you can use after your muscle injury to minimize the pain.

Immediate use of ice or cold packs on the injured area is helpful for all types of muscle injuries.

Avoid the use of heat packs for at least 72 hours after your injury.

Certain herbs, spices, or nutrients are beneficial for inflammation problems such as pain and swelling. Some examples are turmeric, fish oil, green tea, and Resveratrol (a compound found in foods such as red grapes). Ask your doctor if you can safely use these food sources while breastfeeding (4).
