Pregnancy can lead to several health issues, which are almost always a part of the process. However, strange symptoms, such as the sounds of ears popping during pregnancy, may also occur. While it is a normal event, the symptoms may also signal a serious underlying issue in some cases. You are not alone if you find yourself identifying with these issues. Read on to know why your ears make popping sounds in pregnancy and how it can be managed.

What Is Ears Popping?

Ear popping refers to muffled sounds inside the ear due to differences in the air pressure. Ear popping may mean you suffer from some Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). It may also mean that your ear is full of wax, and you need to clean it. Normally, the air pressure inside the ear and outside is the same. But many reasons can block the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nasal passage and throat. When this happens, the Eustachian tube is unable to maintain the right air pressure in the air. It is then you may feel the need to pop your ears to clear the stuffiness inside or hear a popping sound coming from your ears. The medical term for ears popping is ear barotrauma or barotitis media. Ear popping is a generic name for the problem (1).

Causes Of Ear Popping During Pregnancy

Ear popping is not a symptom of pregnancy. If you are pregnant and suffer from ear problems, the buildup of ear wax or any respiratory infections, you may experience a popping sound inside your ears. Ear popping sounds may occur due to many reasons.

Ear popping normally occurs during air travel, at higher altitudes or underwater when the outside air pressure constantly changes.

It can also occur due to an ear or sinus infection. Eardrum can rupture and cause problems in the Eustachian tube. Cold, allergies and other respiratory infections can also cause ear popping sounds.

A defect in the Eustachian tube can also be congenital (since/before birth) (2).

Symptoms Of Ears Popping While  Pregnant

Here are some symptoms that may indicate ear problems and the source of the popping sounds inside the ears:


Discomfort inside the ear

Feeling of stuffiness in the ear


Temporary hearing loss

Managing Ears Popping During Pregnancy

Your ear problems during pregnancy can be for any number of reasons. But the important thing is to consult your doctor to rule out any severe medical reasons for the same. For popping sounds due to mild problems inside the ear, your doctor may suggest some easy treatment options such as chewing gum, yawning or stretching. If the problem is ear wax or may be trapped water inside your ears, simple cleanup with an ear bud may help. Your doctor may also suggest other treatments depending on your pregnancy health.

Oral decongestants

Nasal sprays


There are also other measures you can try.

Steam inhalation may provide you relief from sinus infections or allergies and thus any popping sounds.

Use of heating pads over your ears can ease the pain.

Chewing gum or yawning can also help you with minimizing any problems in your Eustachian tube and prevent popping sounds in case you need to air travel during your pregnancy.
