Dry skin in children is a common problem that may cause itchiness and skin irritation. The condition may worsen during winters due to reduced moisture content in the air, and the child may have to use a moisturizer multiple times a day. Dry skin may have several causes, such as extremes of weather, some skin products, inadequate hydration, or an underlying health condition. Read through this post as we explain what may cause children to develop dry skin and suggest some home remedies to manage the condition.

Symptoms Of Dry Skin In Children

Dry skin is most prominent on the arm, lower leg region, and the sides of the abdomen. The other symptoms vary based on the severity of the dryness. Some of the symptoms are:

Mildly dry skin

Rough appearance and mild scaling of the skin Mild redness with no pain

Moderately dry skin

Moderate scaling of the skin Mild or moderate itching and pain Mild redness Mild breakage and lines on the skin

Severely dry skin

Severe scaling and itching Severe pain with redness and dry patches of skin Bleeding from the cracks of the skin (1)

Common Causes For Dry Skin In Children

Sometimes, mild to moderate dryness of skin could occur due to reasons that are not serious, and such dryness could be reduced with the use of home remedies and precautions. Dry skin in children is commonly due to (1):

Home Treatment For Common Dry Skin In Children

If your child has mild to moderately dry skin due to any of the above reasons, then it could be treated with these home care tips.

Five cups for five to eight years old Seven cups for nine to twelve years old Eight to ten cups for 13+ years  (2)

Usually, dry skin caused due to some of the above reasons subsides with these precautions and treatments within two weeks. If it does not, it could be an indication of an underlying condition.

When To Take Your Child To The Doctor

Dry skin is common in children and can be treated with simple home care tips. However, you should consider taking your child to a doctor if:

The condition does not improve even after using home care tips You find that the dryness and scaling have increased There is pus and pain in the cracks of the skin When cracks have bleeding

The doctor would do a physical examination of your child’s skin and determine if the dryness is due to any medical conditions. Next, we will tell you about some of the medical conditions that can cause dryness of the skin in children.

Health Conditions That May Cause Dry Skin

Other symptoms of vitamin deficiency include:

Night blindness Oral ulcers Bleeding gums Bone tenderness Bowlegs Knock knees Dry, brittle hair and hair fall (3)

Management: If your child’s dry skin is due to nutritional deficiency, then your doctor might advise you to include foods such as eggs, fish, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, broccoli, spinach, and other dark leafy vegetables that are rich in vitamin A (4). The specific cause for this skin condition is not yet known and tends to get resolved on its own. However, recovery time could range from a few months to one year. The scaling of the skin is more prominent in winter when there is less humidity in the air. Management: There is no specific cure for this skin condition. However, topical steroids, such as 1% hydrocortisone, might help in reducing the redness and itching. You can also consider applying petroleum jelly and creams containing urea or lactic acid (5) (6). According to the national eczema association, 50% of children who show signs of eczema develop other allergic reactions such as cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath, hay fever, and asthma (7). Management: As this is an autoimmune disease, there is no specific cure for it. However, you can try and avoid the flare-ups by identifying the triggering allergen and keeping your child away from it. The available treatment options aim to reduce the symptoms and cure any secondary skin infections. These bumps predominantly occur on the upper arms, thighs, buttocks, and lateral sides of cheeks. The exact cause of this is unknown, but some studies state that the hormonal changes during puberty might be a reason. Management: These are normally harmless, but if your child is feeling conscious about them, then you can contact your dermatologist. They may suggest soap-free cleansers, keratolytics, and mild topical steroids that might help in reducing the symptoms (8). This skin disorder is characterized by oval or round patches on the skin that itch, and silvery-white scales. Management:There is no specific treatment for psoriasis. It could only be managed with topical creams, emollients, and keratolytics that may help in reducing the symptoms (9). Some cases may be treated with phototherapy. Severe cases may require oral medicines.

Home Remedies For Dry Skin In Children

There are a few home remedies that you could try to help reduce dryness of skin in your children. While the effectiveness of these home remedies is not backed by scientific research, anecdotal evidence suggests that they may be able to provide relief from the dry skin caused by common or medical conditions. Also, according to American Family Physician, petroleum jelly is a good skin lubricant, but care should be taken while applying it for children as it can get messy (12). According to a review, adding oatmeal directly to the bathwater and letting your children soak in it for 15-20 minutes could provide relief from inflammation and itchiness due to severely dry skin (15).

Ichthyosis Psoriasis Atopic dermatitis Seborrheic dermatitis Perioral dermatitis
