Drinking tea during pregnancy is safe, and it is not harmful to the baby. Most people love to sip a cup of tea every day in the morning or evening, and there is no risk of drinking a cup of tea every day. Some women may prefer to have a cup of tea when they want to feel refreshed. However, it is better to consume low caffeine-containing tea or pregnancy-safe herbal teas. Some herbal teas may refresh you while also providing health benefits. Read on to know more about the safety of drinking tea during pregnancy and how much tea you should drink to avoid side effects.

Is It Safe To Drink Tea During Pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe to consume a moderate amount of tea when you are pregnant. Tea leaves contain polyphenols and antioxidants that protect your cardiac health and boost your immunity (1). However, they also contain caffeine, which you should consume no more than 200mg a day (2).

Amount Of Caffeine Tea Contains

The caffeine content in a cup of tea depends on factors such as origin, processing, brewing time, and brewing temperature. Generally, one cup of tea including milk tea, white tea, black tea, oolong or green tea contains about 40 to 50mg of caffeine whereas herbal teas contain negligible amounts of caffeine (3). Therefore, herbal teas are considered to be a safer option during pregnancy.

Safe Tea Options During Pregnancy

Herbal teas also called “tisanes”, contain trace amounts of caffeine. They are made of leaves, roots, berries, flowers, seeds, and barks of various medicinal plants. Also, teas combined with other ingredients (such as mint or spices) have lower caffeine levels. Here is a list of teas that are safe to consume during pregnancy. You can combine any of these herbal teas with ingredients such as honey, cinnamon, citrus rinds, and cloves for added flavor.

Benefits Of Consuming Safe Teas During Pregnancy

Each tea has its set of properties, and you can select the best tea depending upon your requirement and mood. Most of the teas help alleviate common pregnancy issues and also serve as the best alternative to caffeinated drinks such as coffee. Herbal tea:

Fights morning sickness and diarrhea Image: Shutterstock Supplies healthy antioxidants Lowers stress and anxiety levels Prepares uterus for labor Offers required nutrients Helps you stay hydrated

The right cup of tea can elevate your mood and also energize you. So what and how you choose can make a huge difference in the tea-drinking experience.

How To Choose A Safe Tea To Drink?

You may choose herbal teas over non-herbal teas as they are safe and beneficial. In any case, read the ingredient list before buying some tea. You can also talk to your health care provider to learn about the best teas you can have at this time.

Begin with a small amount of tea, and notice your body’s response. If you feel alright without any adverse effects, you can slowly add more quantities to your everyday regimen.

Do not consume tea regularly if you are not aware of the ingredients. Also, avoid tea made of unfamiliar ingredients.

But even a healthy cup of tea could be bad when consumed in excess. Find out next, the ideal quantity of tea you can safely consume during pregnancy.

How Many Cups Of Tea Are Safe During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should limit your caffeine consumption to 200 milligrams a day. As said above, a single cup of tea contains around 40 to 50 milligrams; you can take up to three to four cups of tea in a day with no worries (11).

What Teas Should You Avoid During Pregnancy?

Although it is alright to drink tea during pregnancy, some teas contain high caffeine levels and should be restricted during pregnancy (12).

Black teas such as Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Ceylon Green or matcha teas Image: Shutterstock Oolong Lichee Hong mao Lapsang souchong Nilgiri tea Golden monkey black Quinshola clonal

Some teas that are to be avoided due to their risk of side effects (such as miscarriage, high blood pressure, laxative properties, etc.) are as follows (13):

St. John’s Wort Ginseng Dong Quai Pennyroyal Yarrow Licorice root Ephedra

Not all teas are known to be safe or unsafe. Here is a list of teas which haven’t been studied enough to understand their effect on pregnancy, and are best avoided for your well being.

Lime blossom Rosehip Comfrey Catnips Anise Yellow dock Alfalfa

Consume these teas, in minimal amounts, only on approval of your doctor.

Sage tea Hibiscus Rosemary Mistletoe

Too long a list to remember? Keep in mind only the list of safe teas and enjoy them while you are pregnant. You can also decaf the stronger teas so that most of the caffeine is removed. To decaffeinate tea, steep the leaves or bag for about 30 seconds, remove the water and again fill the cup with hot water. Repeat it one more time. You will get decaf tea.

Possible Side Effects Of Drinking Unsafe Teas

Moderate consumption of caffeinated tea is not known to cause adverse effects. But, if caffeine consumption exceeds 200mg in a day, it is likely to affect the growth and development of the fetus. You may have a miscarriage, or give birth to babies with intrauterine growth restrictions (IUGR). Excessive caffeine is known to cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels and interfere with cell division that causes these ill effects (14). Next, we answer some common queries about tea during pregnancy for your better understanding.
