Dating a separated man puts you in a tricky situation, and if you are already dating one, you must know what you are getting into. A married man is still the legal husband of his wife and has responsibilities towards her and the family. He does not live with his spouse but is not officially divorced. Getting involved with such a man is a risky affair and involves several complications. Read through this post to know everything before getting into a relationship with a separated man and the problems you might face when dating him.

Is It Okay To Date A Separated Man?

It is okay to date a separated man if you are willing to take on the risk attached to it. He comes with legal, financial, and even emotional baggage. You have to be extremely patient to accept it and work hard to keep the relationship strong. If you really love this man, wait until all his divorce proceedings are finalized, and only then look for a serious relationship with him. A guy who loves you will be patient and understand your need for security.

Problems You Might Face Dating A Separated Man

A relationship with a separated man is complicated in several ways. Here are some of the risks and problems you are likely to face when dating him.

1. Rebound and family attachment

The biggest risk dating a separated man is that you could be his rebound. Since he is not legally separated from his wife, it means he could be having feelings for her. In time, he might even miss his family and get back to them, leaving you in the lurch.

2. Emotional baggage

A recently separated man may be looking for some support and not a new relationship. You may end up becoming his unofficial therapist as he vents his dissatisfaction with his ex or life. You do not want a relationship that is all about him complaining about his ex and you listening patiently, right?

3. Insecurity

The fact that he is not legally separated from his wife leaves a door for him to go back to her. This may make you feel insecure about the relationship. Also, he may have to meet his ex for divorce and other legal proceedings, which can leave you feeling jealous of their proximity. There may also come a time when he may choose to meet his ex over you, making you feel neglected.

Divorce is a long, expensive, and even painful process. If assets, finances, and children are involved, then the process can get ugly as both parties can get aggressive in these matters. You need to ask yourself if you are ready to go through all those complications for the sake of your partner.

5. Change of mind

Long divorce proceedings can change people. Chances are you support him throughout his legal battle, but once things are settled, he might change his mind and not be ready to get into a serious relationship with you.

10 Things You Need To Know About Dating A Separated Man

If you have made up your mind and are sure about dating a separated man, you need to know about the following aspects of his life.

1. Type of separation

The first thing you need to be sure about your partner is the type of separation he is involved in. Is he separated and on a trial period with his spouse or permanently separated? Has the divorce proceedings started, or is he yet to file for divorce? His separation status can have some serious repercussions; hence, you need to be sure about his liability as a spouse.

2. Duration of separation

Next, you need to know how long he has been separated from his spouse and at what stage they are in their legal course for a divorce. Is it been only a few months since their separation, and are there any chances of reconciliation between them? Or have they been separated for a considerable amount of time?

3. Number of children

Does your partner have children with his former spouse? If yes, ask yourself if you are willing to become a step-parent. Children can change the dynamics of a relationship. So, if you are not ready to be a parent to a child, then you shouldn’t take the relationship forward as it won’t be fair to you or your partner.

4. Reason for separation

Your man may have been married once or multiple times before. You need to know what went wrong in his previous relationship, especially if he has been married a couple of times before. Also, find out if there has been a case of infidelity on his part that caused the separation.

5. Duration of previous relationships

Sometimes, some men develop a relationship pattern where they cannot stay committed to one person for long. You need to find out the duration of your partner’s past relationships. Was he in a long-term relationship, or did he separate within a short period of dating?

6. Financial condition

If you consider settling down with this person, ask him about his financial standing. You need to know if he is paying for child support and alimony and can afford it. And that’s not all, there are many other expenses such as tuition, healthcare, and monthly expenses. It is important to know if his assets belong to him or he shares them with his wife. Do not be suspicious of your man but be sure that he is not in any debt that eventually affects your relationship.

7. Emotional availability

Before committing to this guy, you need to be sure he is emotionally available to you. He cannot be seeing you if he is still spending more time with his separated wife. He must be completely detached from his previous relationship and must be on the same page as you. He needs to have the same commitment level as you to make the relationship meaningful.

8. Dating exclusivity

Are you the only person he is seeing, or has he kept his options open? Before committing to him, ensure that you both share the same view on the relationship. He should not be going on dates with potential partners if he sees you. Make your intentions and expectations clear early on in the relationship.

9. Feelings for his ex

What does he feel for his ex? Is he okay talking about her, or he gets angry at the mention of her name? If he still harbors resentment for his ex, it means he still carries the baggage and is not ready for a new relationship. The bitterness in his mind for his former spouse shows his attachment to her that can be detrimental to your relationship.

10. Living condition

Your man may say he is over his ex, but if he still lives with her in the same house, then chances are he is not true to his words. There may be reasons such as he is waiting to get a good price to sell his house, or his wife is still dependent on him, so he cannot leave her alone until she gets a job. No matter the reason, such a situation is messy, and you must stay away from it.