Chia seeds are tiny edible seeds that contain several vital nutrients, such as soluble fiber, high-quality protein, omega-3 fatsiXA group of essential fatty acids obtained from the diet and required for good health, especially heart health. , and antioxidants. Since these nutrients promote overall health, consuming chia seeds during pregnancy can benefit you and your baby. Many expecting mothers wonder how much chia seeds should be consumed daily. Knowing this is essential as excessive intake of these seeds can have certain side effects that may affect you and the baby. Read on to learn about whether it is safe to consume chia seeds during pregnancy, their nutritional value, possible health benefits, side effects, and suitable ways to add them to your pregnancy diet.

Are Chia Seeds Safe To Eat During Pregnancy?

Yes, chia seeds are safe to consume during pregnancy, but in moderation. They are high in nutrients and can support a healthy pregnancy. These tiny seeds are often considered a superfood and have been used by the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations. However, there isn’t scientific evidence to establish the benefits of consuming chia seeds while pregnant. So it is better to consult your doctor before including them in your diet (1).

What Quantity Of Chia Seeds Can You Have During Pregnancy?

You can have about 25g of chia seeds every day during pregnancy. This will meet about 18% of your daily protein requirement and one-third of dietary fiber needs, besides much of energy requirements (2).

Nutritional Value Of Chia Seeds

According to the USDA, the nutrition present in 100g of chia seeds is as follows (3): g=grams; mg=milligrams; mcg=micrograms; IU=international unit

What Are The Benefits Of Chia Seeds During Pregnancy?

Chia seeds are highly nutritious and a good source of healthy fats. Here are some reasons why you should include these seeds in your pregnancy diet.

1. Improves energy levels

Exhaustion is normal during pregnancy. Chia seeds are a good energy source that pregnant women can safely consume in moderation (4).

2. Omega-3 fatty acids support fetal brain

Omega-3s are vital for health and development of the baby’s brain. Fish is the major source of omega-3, but its mercury content can be a cause for concern during pregnancy; chia can be a safer alternative (5).

3. Protein assists in muscle growth

You should require about 70g of protein every day during pregnancy for the development of fetal organs and tissues. Chia seeds contain good protein levels, which make them compliment meat, tofu, poultry and nuts (6).

4. Fiber relieves constipation

Chia seeds are loaded with insoluble fiber that aids digestion (7). It can, therefore, treat constipation, a common complaint during pregnancy.

5. Iron improves oxygen supply

Iron is essential for the production of extra red blood cells that carry oxygen to the body system. Chia seeds are one of the easiest ways to get this nutrient in your diet (8).

6. Magnesium eases cramps

Cramps are common, especially in the third trimester. Sufficient levels of magnesium in the body alleviate cramps and tension in the muscles. Chia seeds are rich in magnesium (9) and may lower the risk of premature laboriXA labor that begins early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy. by curbing early uterine contractionsiXThe shortening and tightening of the uterus muscles. .

7. Rich in calcium

Intake of calcium is essential for the skeletal development of the baby, particularly in the third trimester. Chia seeds contain five times more calcium than milk and are the best alternatives for a dairy-free diet

Side Effects Of Chia Seeds In Pregnancy

There are a few risks associated with chia seed consumption when you are pregnant.

1. Leads to gas formation

Over consumption may increase gas production in sensitive individuals due to high fiber content of chia seeds. However, limiting it to the daily recommended amount will not cause any side effects.

2. Causes thinning of blood

The omega-3 fatty acids can be beneficial but can also pose risks to the body if taken in larger than the recommended amount. You should consult your doctor before taking it if you have bleeding disorders or if you are taking blood thinning medications (10).

How To Consume Chia Seeds During Pregnancy?

Chia seeds are available both in raw and roasted forms. They are also found in some packaged foods such as cereals, bread, crackers and granola bars. They hold a very mild and nutty flavor and can be added to various recipes. Here are some ways in which you can include chia seeds in your pregnancy diet.

Eat them raw as snacks

Add the seeds to everyday meals and snacks

Sprinkle over smoothies

Add them to yogurt, salad or cereal

Add to any pudding or dessert

Some Chia Seed Recipes To Use During Pregnancy

1. Chia seeds with water

Soak some chia seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Consume the water the following day. This makes a perfect summer drink.

2. Chia seeds sandwich

You can add chia seeds to a variety of sandwiches. You can either add them to the butter on a slice of bread and top it with another slice or add them to the condiment while making any vegetable, ham or turkey sandwich.

3. Chia seed smoothie

You will need:

Bananas – 3, sliced Dates – 4, pitted and halved Coconut milk yogurt – 2 cups Coconut water – ¼ cup Blueberries – a few Chia seeds – ¼ cup Berries (strawberries, blackberries and more of your choice) – sliced for topping Hemp seeds – topping

How to make:

4. Coconut chia protein pancakes

You will need:

Gluten-free all-purpose flour – ¼ cup Coconut flour – 2tbsp Vanilla whey protein powder – 3tbsp Sea salt – a pinch Coconut flakes – 1tbsp Almond milk – 4tbsp Egg – 1 Pancake batter – 2tbsp Chia seeds – 1tbsp

How to make:

5. Chia Fresca

You will need:

Water – 2cups Lemon – 1 Chia seeds – 2tbsp Sugar or honey – as required

How to make:

6. Chia seed pudding

You will need:

Fat-reduced coconut milk – ½ cup Chia seeds – 2tbsp sugar substitute – 2tsp Vanilla extract – 1/2tsp Berries of your choice – 2tbsp

How to make:
