Many parents doubt whether it is safe to mix breast milk and formula to feed a baby. Without a doubt, breast milk is the best food for babies up to six months and older. You may feed expressed breast milk if the baby cannot feed directly from the breast. Sometimes, doctors recommend supplementing infant formula with breast milk to meet your baby’s energy needs. Hence, there is no harm in mixed feeding if you do it as recommended. Read on to know the correct ways to mix breast milk and formula, its pros and cons, and alternatives to it.

Can You Mix Formula And Breast Milk In The Same Bottle?

Yes, you can mix formula with breast milk. However, experts advise keeping breastfeeding and formula feeding separate since (1): Despite the different properties of breast milk and formula, they could be different reasons for mixing formula with breast milk.

Why Mix Formula With Breast Milk?

You may consider mixing formula with breast milk (2) if the baby doesn’t like breast milk’s taste and refuses to feed.

The baby doesn’t like breast milk’s taste and refuses to feed. Mixing some breast milk with formula could be a choice in such cases.

The breast milk supply isn’t sufficient for some reason.

You are returning to work, and the expressed milk is less, you may consider mixing breast milk with formula.

Whatever the reason, consulting a doctor or lactation consultant is necessary before feeding a formula and breast milk mix to your baby.

How To Mix Breast Milk With Formula?

Before you begin, remember that one should never mix formula powder directly to breast milk since it could cause nutrient imbalance. Observe the following steps to mix formula with breast milk correctly. Consulting a doctor is essential to know the right ratio of mixing breast milk and formula for your baby.

Are There Any Benefits Of Mixing Formula With Breast Milk?

Although mixing formula and breast milk isn’t always preferred, it could offer benefits in some cases. Besides these, some mothers and caregivers may find that the mixing of breast milk and formula in one bottle is convenient if the baby is both breast- and formula-fed.

What Are The Potential Risks Of Mixing Formula And Breast Milk?

Below are some of the potential risks of mixing formula and breast milk. It is ideal to prefer mixing breast milk with formula only when directed by a pediatrician. You may also consider an alternative.

What Is The Alternative To Mixing Formula And Breast Milk?

Experts recommend mixed feeding or combination feeding for effective supplementation of breast milk in cases where breast milk alone isn’t sufficient. Mixed feeding, also known as partial breastfeeding, is a feeding technique wherein you sometimes feed breast milk and sometimes feed formula, separately, to the baby (6) (7). This technique could let you and your baby reap the benefits of breast milk and formula separately without worrying about any adverse effects. Nevertheless, mixed feeding should never replace exclusive breastfeeding unless advised otherwise by a doctor. You should try mixed feeding after consultation with a lactation expert or your healthcare provider. Supplementation of breast milk may be needed in some cases, and mixing formula and breast milk may be the only solution. It is best to do it with expert guidance. A doctor or lactation consultant can guide you on the right way to mix formula and breast milk. Also, they may suggest alternatives better suited to you and your baby.
