A C-section scar infection may occur in 3-15% of women who deliver through a C-section. The number of women giving birth through C-sections has increased significantly in the past few decades (1). A prompt diagnosis and management of C-section scar infection can help improve its prognosis and prevent complications. Read this post to learn more about the causes, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of C-section scar infection.

What Is A C-Section Wound Infection?

A c-section wound infection, also known as post-cesarean section wound infection, is a bacterial infection that develops after cesarean  delivery. It is due to bacterial infecting the surgical site (2). The infection could usually happen due to numerous types of bacteria and may be a superficial skin infection or a more dangerous deeper pelvic wound abcess. It is essential to be seen by a doctor as soon as possible to diagnose and treat the problem

What Are The Causes Of Infection After Cesarean Birth?

The following are risk factors for a wound infection (6) (7) (8) (9) (10):

Obesity Increased weight Previous cesarean delivery Diabetes An infection called intraamniotic infection that developed during labor Prolonged rupture of membranes Repeated vaginal examinations An emergency Cesarean delivery

Knowing the symptoms of a c-section infection can help you start the treatment in time.

What Are The Signs Of A Post-Cesarean Wound Infection?

The following are a few symptoms of an infection after c-section. If you have noticed any of these symptoms, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

How Is A Post-Cesarean Wound Infection Diagnosed?

The doctor would check for tenderness, fever, swelling, or any other sign that could indicate an infection. Daily inspection of the incision site is the most vital part of the postoperative diagnosis. However, most of the infections start to appear after a week of surgery. Therefore, doctors advice new mothers to be attentive to these signs. If you see the symptoms, visit the doctor for further diagnosis and timely treatment (14).

How To Treat A Wound Infection?

A c-section infection can be treated using (10): The treatment can be effective and your recovery faster when you follow a few tips.

How to take care of a C-Section Infection Wound?

Here are some things that you need to take care of.

Take and complete the antibiotics.

Go for regular cleaning and dressing of the wound as directed.

Avoid applying any lotions or creams that may contain chemicals harmful to your skin. And wear loose and lightweight clothes that don’t rub on your wounds.

You can always get medical care from your doctor if the wound doesn’t seem to heal or if you experience more pain from the surgical site.

Consume healthy food and lots of liquids.

Keep reading to learn how you can prevent an infection or minimize its risk.

Can You Prevent C-Section Wound Infection?

You may not be able to entirely prevent the infection after a c-section , but you can take certain precautions to avoid any complications.
