Brown discharge during pregnancy may occur due to various reasons, some of which are harmless, while a few others indicate some complications. Brown discharge may occur in the later stages of pregnancy when old blood in the uterus flows through the cervix and mixes with vaginal discharge (1). Though most cases are due to benign reasons, it is wise to see a doctor. Read this post to learn what may cause brown discharge and what to do about it.

What Is Brown Discharge During Pregnancy?

Brown discharge is vaginal discharge tinged with old blood and may look similar to coffee grounds. This blood has been in the uterus for some time and discharges slowly (1). Over time, the bright red blood oxidizes and turns into a brown color. Pregnant women can have brown discharge anytime during pregnancy for various reasons. You should look for coexisting symptoms to know if you need medical care.

Is Brown Discharge Normal During Pregnancy?

During early pregnancy, if you have spotting or light brown discharge that varies from fluid to mucus-like texture and not enough to soak a pad or a panty liner, with no associated symptoms, it can be considered normal. Otherwise, it is advised to see your Ob/Gyn immediately (2). Brown discharge can also be normal in the third trimester near the due date when the uterus is preparing for delivery. However, it can also be seen in conditions such as placental abruption. Some women may experience brown discharge in the second trimester due to placenta previa or preterm birth (3).

How Long Does Brown Discharge Last During Pregnancy?

You may experience brown discharge throughout pregnancy, but it usually occurs due to natural conditions for a shorter duration. For instance, you may have brown discharge early in pregnancy due to implantation bleeding or intercourse. It’s also possible that you will experience it when your due date is approaching (2).

What Are The Causes Of Brown Discharge During Pregnancy?

Brown discharge could be due to natural changes in pregnancy or an underlying medical condition.

Natural causes

Causes of concern that need medical attention

What Are The Complications Of Brown Discharge During Pregnancy?

Brown discharge during pregnancy does not lead to complications if the underlying cause is managed on time. There can also be the risk of anemia if the blood loss is severe and lasts longer. Causes of brown discharge such as incomplete miscarriage might lead to complications such as disseminated intravascular coagulation if the remaining products of conception are not removed from the uterus (11). Not treating sexually transmitted infections causing brown discharge can also be associated with pregnancy and delivery complications. Some infections may also affect the baby while passing through the birth canal.

When To See A Doctor

Consult your doctor if you notice brown discharge during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can help you know the reasons for brown discharge based on their observations and other symptoms. Seek prompt medical care if the brown discharge is associated with symptoms, such as uterine contractions, fever, or pain.

How To Stop Brown Discharge During Pregnancy?

Treating underlying causes can help prevent brown discharge in most women.

Antibiotics or antifungals are usually recommended if the brown discharge is related to bacterial infections or yeast infections. Placental abnormalities, such as placental abruption and placenta previa, are managed by blood transfusions to cope with the blood loss. Medications to prevent premature labor and continuous fetal monitoring are done. Cesarean delivery is done if needed (10). Avoiding douching, vaginal perfumes, fragrant soaps, or any other products in the vagina might stop brown or blood-tinged discharges.
