Inflammation in the bronchial tubes or bronchitis during pregnancy can cause excessive coughing and spasms in the airways. Although it is not considered harmful to the growing fetus, it may cause discomfort to a pregnant woman. However, it is still advisable to consult a doctor if you are affected with bronchitis when pregnant to ensure your baby’s safety. Continue reading this post to learn about the possible causes of bronchitis during pregnancy, its symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. We also suggest some home remedies effective in relieving the symptoms and preventive measures against bronchitis.

What Is Bronchitis?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the two largest airways that pass air from the windpipe (trachea) to the lungs. It can be due to infections or irritants. The airway irritation and inflammation could lead to difficulties in breathing and excess mucus secretion. You may develop a severe cough, which is the body’s mechanism to clear the extra mucus from the airways. There are usually two forms of bronchitis – acute and chronic – with different symptoms and characteristics. Bacteria or viruses cause acute bronchitis, also called the chest cold. It is common during the winter months and usually comes after a common cold, flu, or sore throat and lasts up to three weeks. Though it is not harmful and does not pass any microbes from the mother to the fetus, you may require treatments to relieve symptoms and prevent complications. Chronic bronchitis lasts for a longer duration. It is usually caused by cigarette smoke or other irritants. It can be recurrent and causes complications due to lung damage. You may require medications to remove the mucus. Chronic bronchitis can be complicated if there is an infection with bacteria or viruses. The infection could result in yellow or dark green mucus, fever, and shortness of breath (1).

Causes Of Bronchitis During Pregnancy

1. Virus and Bacteria

Approximately 90% of bronchitis is caused by viruses such as influenza A and B, coronaviruses, parainfluenza viruses, and rhinoviruses, which also cause the common cold and flu (2). The mucus buildup, as a result of cold or flu, can also lead to bronchitis. Though it is not common, bacteria can also cause bronchitis. It can be an initial infection or superinfection that occurs over an already existing viral infection. It can be caused by bacteria such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Bordetella pertussis (3). Acute bronchitis caused by viruses and bacteria is contagious, and the infected person can pass it around to others while sneezing or coughing. Viral bronchitis can be contagious for a few days or up to a week. Bacterial bronchitis may not be contagious 24 hours after starting antibiotics. However, chronic bronchitis due to irritation of airways is not infectious (4).

2. Breathing irritants

Bronchitis Symptoms During Pregnancy Cigarette smoke, tobacco smoke, smog, chemicals, chemical fumes, and dust particles can all lead to bronchitis. Breathing in fumes and smoking during pregnancy can aggravate the existing inflammation and may result in chronic bronchitis. It may also cause respiratory illness in children through a congenital effect (5).

3. Prolonged exposure

Continuous exposure to inhalants, such as grain dust, strong acids, ammonia, chlorine, etc., can cause bronchitis (6). Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), asthma and allergies, and positive family history can also increase the risk of bronchitis (4).

Bronchitis Symptoms During Pregnancy

The initial symptoms of bronchitis include (7) (8):

Cough (most common, dry or productive) Sputum production (clear, yellow, green or blood-tinged) Shortness of breath Runny or stuffy nose Sore throat Slight fever and chills Drowsiness, weakness, irritability, and fatigue Loss of appetite Chest pain and body aches

Cough is the predominant symptom of acute bronchitis, and it can be with or without mucus production. Usually, you may have a dry cough at the beginning of bronchitis and later experience productive cough. People with bronchitis can have a persistent cough to clear the mucus. These symptoms can be treated at home. Usually, acute bronchitis may last for 10 –14 days or up to three weeks (4). Often, the cough may persist up to 10-20 days after the course of the disease. Rarely, it may last up to four weeks or more (9).

Risks Of Bronchitis During Pregnancy

Serious complications are unlikely to develop in most women. The major risks include:

Breathing difficulty and hypoxia: Bronchitis causes difficulties in the movement of air in and out of the airways due to the inflammation of the bronchial walls. Along with this, you may feel more difficulty in breathing from the distended pregnant belly. This may deprive your body of oxygen, making you breathe less than the optimal levels and reducing the necessary oxygen to the fetus.

Pneumonia: If left untreated, bronchitis may sometimes lead to viral or bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia during pregnancy may result in fetal complications such as low birth weight and increased risk of preterm birth. It may also lead to maternal respiratory failure (10). High fever is a common symptom of pneumonia. During the first trimester, this may cause birth defects, especially among the women who did not consume 400mcg of folic acid every day (11).

Appetite loss: Bronchitis can also affect your appetite levels. When you eat less, your baby will not get enough nutrients. It, therefore, hampers the overall health and development of your growing baby (9).

Sometimes, you may have difficulty differentiating the signs and symptoms of bronchitis from complications such as pneumonia. It is recommended to seek medical attention if you have symptoms of bronchitis during pregnancy. Your doctor will recommend home treatments or medications based on your clinical status.

Home Treatments For Bronchitis

If the symptoms are mild, you can follow some home remedies after discussing it with your healthcare provider. The following home remedies may help in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis.

Tea with honey, raspberries, and lemon. A few studies have shown that consuming honey may help to decrease the severity of cough (2).

Consuming a moderate amount of turmeric every day could help you prevent respiratory infections (13).

Decoctions made of herbs like sage, thyme, oregano, and coltsfoot may help to relieve symptoms of bronchitis.

Pour the solution into one nostril while breathing through the mouth. The fluid flows through the nasal cavity and comes out through the other nostril. It, therefore, rinses off the mucus and helps you feel less stuffy. Repeat the same three to four times every day (16). Some of the over-the-counter medications may also help you relieve symptoms. However, it is recommended to seek medical advice to make sure that it is safe for you and your baby.

When To Meet The Doctor?

You may require immediate medical attention if you are experiencing the following symptoms (12):

Temperature higher than 100.4 °F or 38°C Coughing up of blood or blood-tinged sputum A persistent cough accompanied by chest pain Repeated bronchitis or severe symptoms

Bronchitis usually does not cause serious pregnancy complications or birth defects to the fetus. But the above-listed symptoms could be a complication of bronchitis, such as pneumonia, which makes early diagnosis and treatment essential to avoid unfavorable outcomes.

Diagnosis Of Bronchitis

The diagnosis of acute bronchitis is usually obtained from a history of symptoms, and careful physical examination of the pregnant woman. The following examinations and tests could be done for the diagnosis of bronchitis (2):

Your doctor may examine the larynx to notice the reddish hue, ribs, and swelling, which occurs during inhalation and exhalation. Examination of tonsils and palpation of lymph nodes are also done.

Auscultation (listening to breathing with a stethoscope) may help to identify changes in breathing and additional breathing sounds such as wheezes.

Your doctor may also assess vital signs, such as temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Laboratory tests may give a more accurate diagnosis. A blood analysis helps in determining the markers of inflammation such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation levels (ESR). Blood cell count also helps to differentiate bacterial and viral infections.

A blood test can be carried out to monitor the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood (17).

The culture of sputum or nasal discharge could help identify the causative organism (17).

Pulmonary function tests such as spirometry may be used in some cases. This will help monitor the lungs’ function of circulating the air (17).

Your doctor may recommend a chest X-ray if there are signs of pneumonia, such as dyspnea, blood in sputum, high fever, and increased respiratory rate. However, they are mostly avoided to prevent the radiation risks to the fetus. Your doctor may order a few additional tests to differentiate other respiratory diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and whooping cough, which could have similar symptoms.

Treating Bronchitis During Pregnancy

Your doctor will give medications that are safe during pregnancy, according to your trimester and clinical diagnosis. Treatment of acute bronchitis is mainly supportive care and symptom management. If you have bronchitis due to bacterial infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics after weighing the potential risks and benefits of the medications to the mother and fetus. Bronchitis caused by a virus may resolve itself in a few days. You may require some home treatments to relieve the symptoms, as advised by your doctor. But if the symptoms are severe and continue to remain for a longer duration, you may require medications. Antiviral medications may be given for viral illness while pregnant, which may reduce the duration, severity, and complications of the illness. Your doctor may include cough syrup, decongestants, and other medications to relieve symptoms. If you have severe difficulty in breathing, you may receive bronchodilators. Chronic bronchitis is managed on a long term basis, and you should visit the doctor if you are experiencing increased symptoms (2).

Preventive Measures For Bronchitis During Pregnancy

Though it is not always possible to avoid contracting bronchitis, some measures help to minimize its occurrence (12).

Quit smoking and avoid exposure to second-hand smoke.

Keep away from people who have bronchitis. If you notice anyone around you is affected by cold or flu, use a face mask.

Rinse your hands frequently and use an alcohol-based sanitizer. It reduces the risk of contracting a viral infection.

Limit exposure to all irritants like chemical fumes and household cleaners, as they aggravate the lining of the bronchi and put you at risk of viral infection.

Get the recommended flu vaccines on time (18).

Are Steroids Safe For Bronchitis During Pregnancy?

In severe cases of bronchitis, your doctor may prescribe steroid drugs. Though they are believed to be strong for pregnant women, they are commonly used by doctors to treat various pre-existing medical conditions.
