So, you have met an Aries man and believe you might be into him. However, before things get serious, you need to know whether you are the best match for an Aries man. He is a bold, assertive, and extroverted personality and has a bit of a wild side to him. He’s also a confident and spontaneous man who likes to sweep you off your feet occasionally. Is your romance inevitable and written in the stars? Read this post to know which zodiac signs make an ideal match for Aries men and learn if your signs match.

Best Matches For Aries Man

Astrology helps to decipher personality traits, emotional temperament, and compatibility based on zodiac signs. Here are a few zodiac signs that are known to be a good match with Aries.

Aries And Leo

Leo is patient, loves being in the spotlight, and has a proclivity for power. Aries, too, loves being in power. Both Aries and Leo are fire signs. They are fun, creative, passionate, and love adventure. The chemistry between the two signs is a recipe for success, and they work hard for achievements. Therefore, these zodiacs share a healthy competition. As a couple, they are quite affectionate with one another and loyal and big-hearted. When Leo and Aries get together, they share several interests and responsibilities that energize their gutsy desire for cognitive and physical activities. While Leo is the master of romance, Aries is the initiator—both love role-playing. The passion never ends between the two, and they can often have a long-term relationship. Both the zodiacs admire honesty and loyalty to each other. Since Leo and Aries are born leaders, the greatest setback they might face is the fight for dominance. Both have to compromise and come to an understanding, which may be a struggle for their egos or their perception of self. They respect each other’s independence, but there maybe fighting since both are quite fiery personalities. The secret to maintaining a long relationship between an Aries and a Leo is to make sure that both share leadership equally rather than expressing dominance over one another. Also, even while fighting, they might say things in the heat of the moment that are hurtful. It’s always best when we apologize after saying things we don’t mean.

Aries And Gemini

What happens when Aries and Gemini are together? The best of both worlds is what happens. The natural attraction existing between both the signs is effortless and beautiful. So, once an Aries gets attached to a Gemini, it becomes quite difficult for the fiery ram to stay away from the twins—just as fire cannot survive without air. Both signs love to be independent and are quite flirty. Aries can keep up with the wild imagination of Gemini, and they do so with panache. Gemini has a childlike innocence, yet they are witty. Moreover, Gemini always craves something exciting and adventurous in the relationship, which is exactly where Aries zestful passion comes in. The relationship between both signs is a harmonious blend of adventure and excitement. Gemini is always looking for a change, and Aries compliments that change with their adventurous side. Both can learn a lot from each other and keep each other in check. For instance, Aries can keep Gemini’s impetuousness in check, while Gemini can keep Aries’ stubbornness in check.

Aries And Sagittarius

If a match were to be made in heaven, this would be it. Both Aries and Sagittarius have a spontaneous, curious, adventurous, and outgoing nature. This relationship can last a lifetime since they have something exciting and interesting to provide to one another. However, they need to be careful because Sagittarius has a habit of grabbing whatever is in front of them, while Aries always looks at the bigger picture. This could result in conflict between the two, but it would be nothing that they couldn’t resolve. However, they understand each other’s optimistic point of view in life, making great friends and amazing lovers. Both Aries and Sagittarius are fire signs, so together, they make the brightest of flames. In this relationship, there may not be many problems. But Aries can sometimes be quite possessive and jealous, which can hinder Sagittarius’ need for independence.