The best match for an Aries woman is someone who is as ambitious and adventurous as she is. Ruled by Mars, an Aries woman is free-spirited and fiery. She is not afraid of taking risks and is full of life, driven by passion and personal belief in doing whatever it takes to achieve her dreams. She looks for the love of her life. Her energetic personality makes her attractive to both sexes, though she is often competitive with both men and women.. She won’t settle for anything less than her high standards. Read on to know about the matches best suitable for an Aries woman.

Best Match For An Aries Woman

Based on the personality traits associated with the following sun signs, here are some possible matches for an Aries woman.

1. Aries and Aries

Aries women have an appreciation for Aries men. She considers them intelligent, confident, and able to live up to her demand for a strong and secure man. Aries men and women are both focused and ambitious. They understand one another and extend support to achieve their respective goals in life. They give each other plenty of freedom, but will also enjoy exploring new possibilities together. They are devoted and passionate partners, provided they give each other plenty of freedom. They will not hesitate to express their love. Their relationship can be harmonious and long-lasting if their selfish, aggressive, and egoistic nature is controlled.

2. Aries and Leo

When these two fire signs come together, a romantic and passionate affair ensues. Ruled by the Sun, a Leo man is confident and full of enthusiasm. His energy matches that of an Aries woman, and that makes him attractive to her. At work, he is stern and authoritative, but in love, he is gentle and affectionate. He is also a family man. An Aries woman is strong and assertive, but will acquiesce to a Leo man who recognizes her intelligence and respects her independence. She admires his dedication and leadership qualities. His kind yet firm nature moves the Aries woman who seeks love and security in a relationship. Together, they make a highly compatible pair because of the similarities in their nature.

3. Aries and Sagittarius

Ruled by the planet of luck, ‘Jupiter,’ a Sagittarius man is adventurous, outgoing, and future-oriented. He falls in and out of love easily. As a fire sign, he is dynamic and headstrong, making him an ideal match for the passionate Aries woman. The attraction between the Aries woman and a Sagittarius man is difficult to ignore. She likes him for his optimistic, bold, and courageous persona. He may be difficult to commit, but once he does, he makes a loyal and honest partner. As a couple, Aries and Sagittarius bond over similar interests and have mutual respect.

4. Aries and Gemini

Ruled by planet Mercury, a Gemini guy is full of curiosity and conversation. He feels best when acquiring and sharing data and information. He is restless in love and gets easily bored. An Aries woman is attracted to the natural charm of a Gemini man. They exchange creative ideas, which makes conversation for him and inspiring for her. They have similar energy levels, but Gemini’s energy is more mental and Aries energy is more physical. . Gemini man cannot stay put in one place for long, and an Aries woman will happily accompany him on his innumerable adventures. Aries and Gemini can bring out the best in one another, but will have to find at least one shared interest for the relationship to last.

5. Aries and Aquarius

Aquarius man is ruled by planet Uranus, which grants him a magnetic yet complex nature. He is a visionary with an intense sense of justice. This quality of his makes him irresistible to the passionate Aries woman, who is a natural social justice warrior. An Aquarius man admires the strength and determination of an Aries woman, while she likes him for his intelligence and eccentricity. His calm and inclusive nature is a healthy balance for the impulsive and impatient Aries woman. She learns compassion and a logical approach from him; he gets in touch with his warmth and adventurous spirit through her. Aries and Aquarius a perfect match.

6. Aries and Scorpio

Scorpio is known for intense passion. He is secretive about his feelings, until he trusts an equally passionate mate who is committed and loyal. Like Aries, he is ruled by the planet Mars – this is a highly sexual pairing and is likely to have a lot of drama as well. Scorpio man appreciates the energy and honesty of an Aries woman. She will need to respect his need for a deeply emotional connection. She will also need to accept his possessiveness and jealousy, which will be aroused on a regular basis because of her independent nature. She infuses enthusiasm and excitement in his life. The protective nature of Scorpio man and the unique personality of the Aries woman keeps this couple bonded together.