Attention deficit hyperactivity (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder in children. A few studies state that certain foods and nutrients may impact a child’s mood and self-control (1). A diet for kids with ADHD could consist of these food items and nutrients. In general, children with ADHD should consume a healthy, well-balanced diet that supports their behavior and aids their proper growth and development. Although adding these foods has not proven to cure ADHD, it could be beneficial. We have included a few tips on planning such nutritious diets for children with ADHD in this post. We have also included a list of foods to include and avoid.

Foods To Include In The ADHD Diet

While there isn’t a specific food that can cure or alleviate ADHD symptoms, ADHD is associated with certain diets. According to some studies, a western-style diet high in fat and refined sugar is linked with an increased risk of ADHD, while a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seafood, and olive oil has an inverse relation with ADHD (2) (3). Hence, parents should focus on making the child’s daily diet nutritious. A well-balanced ADHD diet should contain various healthy foods from different food groups and provide the following nutrients (4).

1. Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbs are sugars that the body digests slowly, causing a steady release of glucose (a simple sugar) into the bloodstream (5). A steady release of glucose is essential for hunger and appetite regulation and energy metabolism. Whole grains and cereals, legumes, fruits, and starchy vegetables are good sources of complex carbohydrates. So, add these foods to your child’s diet in moderation and as a part of a healthy and wholesome diet.

2. Lean protein

Protein is the building block of life and helps regulate many functions in the body, from cell regeneration to enzyme production (6). Add healthy sources of protein, such as beans, legumes, tofu, low-fat dairy, egg whites, chicken, fish, and nuts, to your child’s daily diet for muscle growth. Children between four and 14 years require 19 to 46 grams of protein per day (7).

3. Healthy fats

Children between four to 14 years of age should receive 25 to 35 percent of their total daily energy from fats (7). Of these, less than ten percent should come from saturated fats and the remaining from unsaturated fats. Fats are essential for humans for several reasons, including aiding the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. So, feed unsaturated fats, such as MUFA and PUFA, in the right proportions to a child. And ensure you include omega-3 fatty acids (PUFA), which may reduce symptoms of ADHD (8). Some of the good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include

Fatty fish (tuna and salmon) Nuts, such as walnuts Seeds, such as chia and flax seeds

4. Vitamins and minerals

Low zinc and iron levels are often associated with ADHD (3). However, there’s no concrete evidence that deficiency of any vitamin or minerals causes ADHD. Nevertheless, some studies indicate that micronutrient supplementation may improve certain symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention (9) (10). Additionally, in general, consuming micronutrients is necessary for overall health and well-being. Thus, ensure you give your child all the vital micronutrients in the right amounts. Some micronutrients that are crucial during childhood and the teenage years include vitamin D, vitamin B6, calcium, zinc, iron, and magnesium. Fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, seafood, seeds, and nuts can offer you these and several more micronutrients in abundance. So, ensure you feed your child a variety of foods. Now that you know the foods you should add to your child’s diet, know the foods that you should avoid or limit.

Foods To Limit Or Avoid

ADHD cannot be cured by eliminating foods from the diet. However, some studies and anecdotal evidence demonstrate that removing certain unhealthy foods from the diet (elimination diet) may improve some symptoms of ADHD (11). Eliminating some of the following foods and food ingredients might alleviate a child’s ADHD symptoms.

1. Artificial food colors and dyes

Processed and packaged foods often contain artificial food colorings and dyes. These additives make the food look colorful and attractive, but they may exacerbate ADHD symptoms. The exact mechanism of how these chemical-based colors and dyes affect ADHD is unknown. Yet, keeping the intake of foods containing artificial colors and dyes at a minimum is important for the health of every child.

2. Refined sugar

Some parents believe that high sugar consumption causes hyperactivity in children, especially those with ADHD. However, experts state that hyperactivity and high sugar intake aren’t correlated (12). Yet, in general, a high sugar diet isn’t good for anyone, let alone children. Research shows that high sugar intake in childhood exposes a child to chronic health issues, such as obesity, tooth decay, and type-2 diabetes (13). Hence, limiting your child’s sugar intake is a wise decision, even if it does not directly affect behavior.

3. Caffeine

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can adversely affect the central nervous system and heart when consumed in large amounts. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises against the use of caffeine or caffeinated beverages, such as soft drinks, for children under five years of age (14). Although caffeine has shown effectiveness in improving functioning and reducing hyperactivity, it can amplify the effect of ADHD medications, and its excessive intake can have side effects, such as appetite suppression and insomnia, which can worsen ADHD symptoms (15) (16). Thus, all children should avoid caffeine and caffeinated products. As for the use of caffeine for improving ADHD symptoms, it’s a matter one should discuss with a pediatrician.

4. Allergens

Some children with ADHD may have sensitivity or intolerance to specific foods, such as salicylate-containing foods (tomato and grapes) and common allergens such as milk, soy, seafood, wheat, and peanuts. A cross-sectional study conducted on school children concluded that “early food allergy is associated with ADHD” (17). Thus, eliminating foods that cause sensitivity may help. However, this needs to be done with close pediatric guidance as the intervention may not be helpful for children with ADHD who aren’t allergic or sensitive to foods.

Tips To Provide A Healthy ADHD Diet For Children

Managing a child with ADHD can be overwhelming, and many parents struggle to organize and plan their child’s diet. Here are some useful tips that may help you plan their diet and encourage healthy eating in children with ADHD.

Fresh seasonal fruits, such as banana, apple, papaya, dragon fruit, plum, peach, and nectarines Low-fat, unsweetened yogurt with fruits, homemade smoothies, and shakes Dried fruit with no added sugar Air-popped, saltless popcorn Baked vegetables Whole-grain chips Roasted chickpeas Seeds and nuts trail mix High-fiber cereals with dried fruits and nuts Boiled/steamed/sauteed veggies with homemade dips, such as hummus and baba ghanoush

Whatever healthy snacks you plan to feed your child, ensure you provide them with two to three healthy snack options and let them decide what they want to eat. Then, keep these preferred foods in easy access so that your child can eat them whenever they are hungry.
