The benefits of bananas for kids are numerous as they are rich sources of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and several bioactive compounds that boosts children’s overall health. Besides, it provides ample calories that can help contribute to a growing child’s increased energy needs. The Cavendish banana is the most commonly consumed variety in the US and Europe (1). Since this all-season fruit is generally a favorite among children, it can be incorporated into different foods to prepare delectable dishes for children. While you may have been feeding bananas to your child for a while now, it’s not too late to learn more about the health benefits of this fruit. This post shares some interesting facts about bananas, their health benefits for children, and ten delightful banana recipes to try.

Exciting Facts About Banana For Children

Here are some exciting banana facts that you can share with your child to ignite some curiosity about this fruit (2) (3) (4). The list of exciting banana facts can be endless. As you now know some facts, let’s learn some crucial benefits of bananas your child could reap.

How Many Bananas Can A Child Eat Daily?

There isn’t a specific number of bananas that a child should eat daily. Usually, one to two bananas a day are sufficient for most moderately active children. Remember, moderation and variety is the key to a healthy balanced diet.

Health Benefits Of Banana For Children

Banana is an easy-to-digest, nutritious fruit. Let’s know how it supports your child’s health. Here are some of the noteworthy benefits of eating bananas as a part of a well-balanced diet.

Ten Tasty And Healthy Banana Recipes For Children

Here are ten mouth-watering banana recipes that children across ages can enjoy in different meals.

1. Banana and cashew pancakes

You will need:

1 cup whole wheat flour or almond flour (if you prefer gluten-free) ⅔ cup almond milk ½ cup mashed ripe banana ½ cup ripe banana (chopped) ½ cup olive oil 1 large egg 2tbsp honey or maple syrup 2tbsp unsalted butter 1tbsp baking powder ½ tsp cinnamon powder ½ tsp vanilla bean paste ¼ tsp salt

How to prepare: 

2. Banana bread

You will need:

2-3 ripe bananas (mashed) 1 large egg (beaten) 1½ cups all-purpose flour 1 cup nuts (almonds, walnut, and pine nuts; chopped) ¾ cup sugar ⅓ cup unsalted butter (melted) 1tsp baking soda 1tsp vanilla bean paste Pinch of salt

How to prepare: 

3. Baked banana chips

You will need:

2 raw banana (peeled and thinly sliced) ½ tbsp paprika powder ¼ tbsp black pepper powder Salt, to taste Olive oil for coating and greasing

How to prepare: 

4. Gooey oatmeal and banana bites

You will need:

2½ cups rolled oats 1 cup ripe banana (mashed) ¼ cup peanut butter ¼ cup seeds and nuts trail mix 2tbsp organic honey 1tsp cinnamon powder

How to prepare:

5. Oats banana cookies

You will need:

3 cups rolled oats 1½ cup brown sugar 1½ cup all-purpose flour 1 cup mashed bananas 1 cup nuts and seeds mix ¾ cup unsalted butter (melted) 1 egg 2tsp corn starch 1½tsp cinnamon powder 1tsp vanilla bean paste 1tsp baking soda ¼ tsp ground cloves

How to prepare:

6. Banana choco smoothie

You will need:

1 banana (frozen and chunked) 1 cup soy milk 1 cup vanilla-flavored yogurt 4tbsp unsweetened dark chocolate (powdered)

How to prepare:

7. Banana muffins

You will need:

1½ cup all-purpose flour 1 cup mixed nuts (almonds, cashew, and pistachio; chopped) ⅔ cup dark brown sugar 2 ripe banana (mashed) 1 large egg 4tbsp unsalted butter 2tbsp milk 1tsp baking powder 1tsp baking soda 1tsp cinnamon powder ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp nutmeg powder

How to prepare:

8. Banana frozen yogurt

You will need: 

1 cup unsweetened Greek yogurt ½ cup chopped nuts 2 banana (mashed) 1tbsp peanut butter 1tsp cinnamon powder 1tsp pumpkin seeds (chopped)

How to prepare:

9. Banana ice cream

You will need:

2 frozen banana ½ cup mango and strawberry (chopped) 1tbsp nuts (chopped) 1tbsp brown sugar 1tsp vanilla bean paste

How to prepare:

10. Refreshing banana and coconut drink

You will need:

1 banana (chopped) 1 cup almond milk or coconut milk (to intensify coconut flavour) ½ cup fresh coconut slices 3tbsp brown sugar Few ice cubes

How to prepare: 
