Banana is a carbohydrate-rich, all-season fruit full of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds. In addition, it has a sweet taste and soft texture and is easy to digest. But while the benefits of bananas for babies are numerous, feeding them in age-appropriate ways is necessary to reap these benefits. Bananas are available in several varieties, and the fruit comes in different sizes and colors (1). However, their high fiber content may cause gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation and gas, in sensitive babies. Read on to know more about the right time to feed bananas to babies, their nutritional value, possible health benefits, and some tasty and healthy banana recipes to try.

When To Introduce Banana To Babies?

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, babies can consume ripe bananas as part of a balanced diet from six months (2). You may introduce bananas as a lump-free puree or mash at this age, suggests the American Academy of Pediatrics (3). As the baby grows older, you can add bananas to other foods, such as porridge and baby cereal. Babies from nine months of age can consume thinly sliced bananas as snacks. Once the baby turns a year old, you can feed banana bread, banana pancake, and baked banana chips made with banana flour. Banana flour can also be used as a thickener in stews, smoothies, shakes, and soups.

Nutritional Value Of A Banana

Bananas contain significant amounts of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, bioactive phytochemicals, potassium, and certain micronutrients. The nutritional value of bananas can vary depending on its variety. An average ripe banana (115g) provides the following nutrients to the baby (4) (5)(6) (7). *AI = Adequate intake – nutrient level assumed to ensure nutritional adequacy Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, World Health Organization and Oregon State University Many people confuse plantain with banana due to their similar appearance. However, their culinary uses are different due to their taste and texture. Plantains, also known as cooking bananas, are tougher and starchier, and thus, shouldn’t be fed raw to babies. They are best to feed after cooking, baking, roasting, or grilling.

Possible Health Benefits Of Banana For Babies

Adding bananas to your baby’s well-balanced weaning diet could provide the following benefits (8) (9). In addition to macro and micronutrients, bananas contain carotenoids, biogenic amines, and phytosterols that benefit health in the long run. Also, banana’s oral and topical use in traditional medicine is prevalent to treat heartburn, mosquito bites, and ulcers (12).

Precautions To Take While Feeding Banana To Babies

Below are some precautions to follow while feeding bananas to babies across ages.

Healthy Banana Recipes For Babies

Here are some healthy and delectable banana recipes that you can feed your baby and toddlers.

1. Banana and apple puree (6 months)

You will need:

½ banana (peeled) ½ apple (peeled and steamed) ¼ tsp jaggery powder (optional)

How to prepare:

2. Baby banana Cerelac (6 months)

You will need:

3tbsp homemade Cerelac ½ banana (peeled and mashed) 1tsp raisin puree 1 cup water

How to prepare:

3. Banana and yogurt mix (8 months)

You will need:

½ cup Greek yogurt ½ banana (peeled and mashed) 1tsp dry fruit powder ⅛ tsp cinnamon powder Pinch of nutmeg

How to prepare:

4. Ragi and banana porridge (10 months)

You will need:

2tbsp ragi flour ½ banana (peeled and mashed) 1tsp date puree 1tsp dry fruit powder

How to prepare:

5. Banana custard (12 months)

You will need:

1 banana (peeled and pureed) 1 cup whole milk 1tbsp custard powder 1tbsp raisin puree 1tbsp dry fruit powder Pinch of cinnamon

How to prepare:

6. Banana cookies (12 months)

You will need:

1 cup rolled oats powder 1 cup banana puree 2tbsp almonds and walnuts (finely chopped) 2tbsp jaggery powder ½tsp cinnamon powder

How to prepare:
