A teenage growth spurt is a phase characterized by a sudden increase in the teen’s height, appetite, and fussiness. This phase is marked by rapid changes in the bodies of children. During this period, your teen’s height may grow rapidly for a few months and then slow down for the next few months. This cycle may continue for some years. A growth spurt is not just about physical changes but also hormonal, caused due to puberty. Therefore, a pubertal growth spurt may sometimes be overwhelming and difficult to handle. In such cases, teenagers may need parental support to get through the phase smoothly. This post discusses teenage growth spurt in detail and provides some tips on helping your child manage it efficiently.

At What Age Does Adolescent Growth Spurt Begin?

Everyone is different. The occurrence of teenage growth spurt might vary. Some experience it early, while some may have it late. Yet, on average, a major growth spurt during puberty usually happens between 8 and 13 years in girls and 9.5 and 14 years in boys (1). Whereas this phase of rapid growth in most girls ends by 15 years of age, it may continue until 16 or 17 years in boys (2). However, exceptions exist as some teens, especially boys, may continue to grow until their late teen years.

Age-wise Average Height For Boys And Girls

It is crucial to track your child’s growth and their overall development during teenage growth spurts. You may use a growth chart for this. A growth chart is an assessment tool that compares your teen’s height and weight with the standard average height for a specific age. It can help keep track of your teenage boy’s or teenage girl’s general growth.

Percentile Average Height For Boys And Girls

Note: 50th percentile height is the average or median height of a girl or boy. If your child is in the 50th percentile, this means that when 100 normal teens of their age and gender are compared, 50 teens are shorter, and 50 are taller than your child. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (3)

What Causes Growth Spurt In Teens?

During adolescence, two sex hormones testosterone (in boys) and estrogen (in girls) cause a growth spurt. These sex hormones increase the human growth hormone secretion, which, in turn, causes an increase in mineralization of bones, leading to linear growth, i.e., an increase in height (4).

Signs And Symptoms Of Growth Spurt In Teenagers

You can identify growth spurt in your teenager if you observe the following signs: Thus, do make a note of changes in the sitting height, leg length, and shoulder-width that may corroborate your assessment (6). The rise in appetite is more commonly observed in teenage boys than girls (9). Besides these prominent changes related to growth spurt, you may notice changes specific to puberty. The presence of body odor usually indicates growth spurt, but in some cases, it is evident in children with delayed puberty (11). All these changes, along with some other physiological changes, can have an impact on the teenager.

How Does Growth Spurt Affect Teenagers?

The intense phase of adolescent development can affect a teenager in various ways (14). Some of them are: While undergoing these changes, your teenager needs your help and support in this crucial stage of their life.

Tips To Help Your Teenager

Here are some ways you can support your child.

When To Consult A Doctor About Your Teen’s Growth Spurt?

The rate of growth spurt depends on several inter-twinning factors like heredity, diet, exercise, any health issues, etc. Nevertheless, there are specific cases where it is ideal to consult a doctor (18). Consulting a doctor can help in the timely detection of any medical issues.
