Hair loss in teenage girls is not a common occurrence. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) states that losing about 50 to 100 strands of hair per day is a natural occurrence (1). However, it is not the same for teenagers. The most common causes for hair loss during teenage include genetic factors, underlying medical reasons, or hormonal imbalances. It should be noted that most of the causes of hair loss in teens are temporary and will go away either on their own or with the help of treatment. Read on to know more about the causes, treatment, and prevention of hair loss in teen girls.

Natural Ways To Prevent Hair Loss In Teenage Girls

Healthy diet and hair hygiene can help you have healthy hair. The following measures may help prevent excessive hair loss:

Eating a well-balanced diet could help keep the hair roots healthy. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, and protein may help strengthen hair.

Be gentle when combing, brushing, or washing hair. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Harsh hair-care products may damage the hair by causing split ends and breakage.

Gentle massage with nourishing oils, such as coconut oil, may help in strengthening hair.

Use hairstyling treatments, flat irons and curlers sparingly to avoid long-term damage to your hair.

Try drying hair naturally and limit the use of blow dryer at high heat. It may help prevent hair damage and hairfall.

Do not pull hair too tight in braids, ponytails, or pigtails. These may strain the roots of the hair, thus causing hair to fall.

Managing stress may also prevent excess hair fall.

Possible Causes Of Excessive Hair Loss In Female Teenagers

Some of the common causes of hair loss in teenage girls could be: While some of these causes may be corrected by taking the measures mentioned above, some might need medical attention.

When To See A Doctor?

When natural ways to prevent hair loss do not bring a change, then it is good to see a doctor to identify the underlying cause of excessive hair loss. Based on the medical diagnosis, the doctor may recommend a treatment.

Treatments For Hair Loss In Teenage Girls

Some of the common treatments doctors use to stop hair loss in teenage girls are: The doctor may prescribe anti-androgens to treat androgenic alopecia as well as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in females as their body makes more androgens (10).
