Getting a hair and foot spa for pregnant women can be a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. It can also help relieve some pregnancy symptoms, such as back pains, inflammation, and pain in the feet, caused by variations in hormones. A good foot spa can relieve the stress on your feet and make your skin softer. Similarly, a hair spa can help you deal with dandruff and dryness. It may also boost the growth of new hair. However, before making an appointment for a hair and foot spa, consult your doctor. Moreover, you should also take some precautions to ensure you stay safe and healthy during this time. Read this post about hair and foot spa benefits and some do’s and don’ts.

Why Visit A Foot and Hair Spa During Pregnancy?

When you are in your first trimester of pregnancy, occasional visits to the spa would help you through the transition phase of your second and third trimesters. This would aid you to stay relaxed, cope up with challenges and enjoy the stage of expecting your baby. Generally foot and hair spa during pregnancy can de-stress you and make you feel beautiful at the same time!

Foot Spa When Pregnant

When you are pregnant, your feet will begin to ache and swell as you advance towards your final trimester. This is mainly because you tend to gain weight during each month of pregnancy. A foot spa is highly helpful because:

It will help reduce the swelling of your feet that might be caused due to hormonal changes and increased blood pressure (1). It offers enough attention to your feet, which you tend to neglect when you are pregnant. The foot spa treatment is designed to offer immense relief to your sore feet. Foot spa and massage treatments also alleviate the signs of edema and improve the circulation of blood (2).

The foot spa treatment comprises soaking and scrubbing the feet that help improve the oxygenation of the soft tissues and muscles (1).

Hair Spa When Pregnant

You might be really tired during the second and third trimesters, when you may not feel like before to take good care of your hair. This would lead to hair related issues including dandruff, lackluster hair, etc. Hair spa treatments are highly beneficial for you as:

Hair spa would help you feel stress free with a relaxing head massage. The spa treatments available for treating hair issues and dandruff would make your tresses look shiny and healthy. Your hair stylist would recommend a new hair style to suit your appearance during pregnancy, which would make you feel much more confident.

Dos And Don’ts Of Hair And Foot Spa Treatments During Pregnancy

It’s true that you will have a radiant glow whilst you are pregnant. However, it is good for you to be pampered at a spa, as it would help you relax and unwind. When you are visiting the hair and foot spa during pregnancy, you have to remember a few important points.


Make sure that you avail the services a reputed spa. Ask about the way the services are performed by the spa professional. Before you go to the spa, seek the advice of your doctor before opting for certain spa treatments.

When you wish to highlight your mane, make sure that you choose ammonia free ones or natural ones with vegetable dyes. Remember all aromatic oils are not beneficial for you when you are pregnant. Go for jasmine, chamomile, and spearmint to get good relief from stress and relax your stresses.


Never ask the professional to cut short the services for lack of time as the main purpose of availing spa service is to relax. Stay away from a new spa in your locality as it might not offer good services. Only go to tried and tested ones. Do not choose chemical-based dyes for coloring your hair. Ask your spa professional to refrain from reflexology while massaging your feet. Reflexology is not recommended for pregnant women.
