Pepper is a dried fruit used for seasoning and is one of the most commonly used spices. You may be skeptical about consuming pepper during pregnancy due to its heat and spiciness. However, you can safely consume a moderate amount to add a kick to your meals. Besides enhancing the flavor of food, it has several beneficial properties. For example, it helps improve immunity, enhance digestion, and maintain blood pressure levels. It is normal to worry about whether the foods you consume during pregnancy are safe. Knowing the various benefits and side effects of each food can help you consume them safely and enjoy flavorful and nutritious meals. Scroll through to learn more about pepper consumption during pregnancy, including its benefits and side effects.

Benefits Of Pepper During Pregnancy

Apart from its spicy taste, pepper does have some health benefits to offer. Go ahead and check out a few of them:

1. Helps in digestion

During pregnancy, the functioning of your digestive system can go haywire. Pepper can play a role in improving your digestion and providing relief from issues like bloating, gas and cramps (1).

2. Prevents cancer

When you are pregnant, your body has to go through a lot of changes. You may suffer from oxidative damages, which can lead to cancer in the future. Pepper contains carotenoids, which is an antioxidant. It can prevent any DNA damage and keep you safe from cancer (2).

3. Fights acne

Many women end up with acne and other skin problems during pregnancy. Pepper contains ingredients that can help keep your skin blemish free (3).

4. Cures cough and cold

Getting a cold while pregnant can be a real nuisance. Fortunately, pepper can help you out here too. There is no scientific evidence to back this claim, but several cultures from around the world use pepper to treat cold and cough.

5. A natural antidepressant

During pregnancy, many women suffer from anxiety and depression (4). Including pepper in your diet is a great way to beat the pregnancy blues.

6. Contains folate

You need folate or folic acid during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defect in your unborn baby. All kinds of pepper contain a good quantity of folate (5).

7. Boosts immune system

Your immunity is low during pregnancy. Pepper contains vitamin C that can give your immunity a boost and prevent common illnesses like cold and cough (6).

8. Keeps blood pressure in check

High blood pressure is a big threat to your health during pregnancy. Potassium helps keep blood pressure under control (7). Pepper is rich in potassium and can prevent hypertension and preeclampsia. That’s a quite a lot of benefits from the spicy pepper! But there are a few side effects that come with the package too.

Side Effects Of Eating Pepper During Pregnancy

Here are a few side effects of consuming your favorite spice:

1. Gastrointestinal problems

Excessive pepper consumption can cause gastric problems. So, if you have a sensitive stomach, avoid pepper (8).

2. Allergies

Consuming pepper can cause allergy-like symptoms in some women. If you have experienced such symptoms before, stay clear of black pepper during pregnancy.
