Some women may experience itchy breasts during pregnancy. This could either result from hormonal fluctuations or sensitivity in the skin, both of which are common in pregnant women. Although the condition is temporary, the symptoms may sometimes persist for longer periods. Under such circumstances, you need to consult your healthcare provider. Read on to know about itchiness in breasts while pregnant, including measures to deal with it.

Are Itchy Nipples An Early Sign Of Pregnancy?

Breast changes might begin as early as one to two weeks post-conception (1). The breasts may become tender, sore, enlarged, or tingle, while the nipples become tender, cracked, or swollen (2). However, this cannot be a standalone symptom of pregnancy. Only when you see this in association with other prominent pregnancy symptoms can you confirm your pregnancy.

When Are Pregnant Women Likely To Have Itchy Nipples? 

You are likely to experience itchy nipples as early as one to two weeks after conception (1). Itchy nipples due to Skin straie around the nipple are likely to develop after the 24th week of gestation (3). Itchy breasts due to eczema (one of the common dermatoses during pregnancy) usually develop within the first two trimesters (4), whereas itchy breasts or nipples from PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques) might occur in the third trimester (5).

Causes Of Itchy Nipples During Pregnancy 

Your breasts and nipples may itch and irritate due to the different physiological changes that happen in pregnancy. Some of those changes are listed below:

Hormonal changes: Most skin changes during pregnancy are due to the surge in levels of progesterone and estrogen, besides other hormones affected by pregnancy (6). This is the reason you may experience itchiness along with the darkening of the skin on and around theareola of nipples (7).

Skin straie: As the baby grows, your skin stretches and the breasts become dry and uncomfortable. This is known as skin straie or skin gravidarum which leads to itching. (9).

PUPPP: You might experience itching at the tiny hives or bumps that develop on the skin. They are likely to appear on the abdomen and later spread to the extremities, including breasts, buttocks, and thighs (10).

Atopic eruption during pregnancy (AEP): Those with a history of atopy (atopic dermatitis) are likely to develop red, scaly, and itchy patches on their breasts, neck, and other dry skin areas. This usually leads to the eruption of red spots and raised skin bumps, along with itching (11).

Yeast infections, cholestasis of pregnancy (a liver problem causing severe itching of hands and feet) (12), and Paget’s disease of the breast (rare breast cancer) (13) could also cause itching of breasts and nipples.

How To Relieve Itchy Breasts/ Nipples During Pregnancy? 

Unless they are due to an underlying medical condition, itchy breasts and nipples could be managed with a few home remedies. Follow these tips regularly to keep your skin soft and supple during pregnancy, and to get relief from dry and itchy skin. If the above measures do not give any relief from itchy nipples, your doctor may suggest some topical medication. In some cases, itchy nipples and breasts may also be signs of chafing or yeast infections. It is, therefore, advisable to seek your doctor’s advice when home measures do not work.
