Regularly consumed, the effects of energy drinks on teenagers can be dangerous. While many claim to be all-natural, they aren’t. Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine and sugar, which can negatively affect health in the long run (1). Without thorough research, it’s impossible to decide if it’s safe for teens to consume energy drinks daily, before or after playing a sport or an activity. So, instead of making it a habit to intake energy drinks that appear on the store shelves, parents need to swap them with homemade beverages with natural ingredients known to boost energy and keep the sugar levels stable. To help you understand the side-effects of energy drinks on teenagers, we have put together some information below. Read on to find more.

Types Of Energy Drinks

Energy drinks could be of two types:

Drinks that come in containers, similar to soft drink Energy shots that come in small containers

In both the categories, caffeine is a major component. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, energy drinks contain a high amount of caffeine and stimulant substances, which should not be present in the regular diet of teenagers (2).

Why Teenagers Might Like To Drink Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks can provide some immediate benefits. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, controlled trials do show an improvement in the performance of young athletes due to energy drinks. But the institution states, “the majority of studies show an association with negative health effects (3).” Energy drinks provide short-term gains in energy and alertness. But research concludes that the negative effects of energy drinks prevail over the positive short-term benefits.  A study on the perception of energy drinks in the UK found that taste, promotion, price, ease of access, and peer influences are the major factors that influence the consumption of energy drinks among children and young people (4). It was noted that manufacturers indulged in ‘value-for-money’ pricing and other marketing activities that might make the beverage attractive. The researchers concluded that “The lack of a single dominant factor suggests that there is unlikely to be a ‘silver bullet’ in attempting to address this issue.” It means there is no single reason why energy drinks are appealing. A combination of several factors, along with ease of availability and peer pressure, is the likely reason why teens are attracted to energy drinks. It makes it even more essential for teenagers and their parents to understand the side effects of energy drinks.

Side Effects Of Energy Drinks On Teenagers

According to the US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, consuming energy drinks could have negative effects on the health of a teenager (1). High amounts of caffeine and additives in energy drinks can be harmful to teenagers’ health. Here are a unfavorable effects of regular energy drink consumption: Note that there is an increased risk of these side effects only if the teen drinks the energy drinks regularly. A can of it occasionally may not cause any serious problems.

How Much Energy Drinks Can Teenagers Drink?

There is no designated safe limit of energy drinks for teenagers.
