Mouth ulcers in babies are common and usually clear up on their own. They are small and painful sores that appear on either the inside of the lips, cheeks, tongue or on the floor of the mouth (1). These ulcers can be a painful experience and make your child cranky. They also give rise to irritation while trying to feed them. Although ulcers are not a serious cause for concern, if the pain and irritation persists and affects the quality of life of your baby, consult your doctor immediately. Read on to know more about the causes, signs, treatment, and prevention of ulcers in babies.

How To Identify Mouth Ulcers?

 Mouth ulcers in babies exhibit the following typical symptoms (2).

A lesion or a sore with well-defined boundaries. The center of the lesion is likely to be yellow or gray when compared to the surrounding tissue. The ulcer may have a red outline. A mouth ulcer is often tender to touch. There could be redness on the ulcer, and it might occasionally bleed. Babies could exhibit excessive drooling due to an ulcer.

The baby or toddler might have reduced appetite as it would hurt whenever they try to eat and drink. If you have a doubt about the presence of ulcers in your baby’s mouth, see a pediatrician for an examination.

What Causes Mouth Ulcers In Babies And Toddlers?

Mouth ulcers in babies and toddlers may be caused due to various reasons. Here are a few of the common reasons (1).

Does Teething Cause Mouth Ulcers In Babies?

Teething usually causes swollen gums rather than ulcers. But teething might cause ulcers if the baby bites the inside of the cheek or lips to soothe the irritated gums. The ulcer is likely to go away if the baby is given teethers, and when the teething is completed. 

Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers In Babies And Toddlers

Mouth ulcers are usually not serious and may be treated at home. Undermentioned are some of the anecdotal home remedies that have been in use for years. However, never try any home remedy for babies below the age of six months. If your baby is older than six months and you wish to use a home remedy, then consult a doctor. Below are some of the common home remedies used for mouth ulcers. Ulcers heal in a few days and are usually not a reason to worry.

When To Go To The Doctor?

If you see any of these symptoms along with ulcers, contact your pediatrician (11).

Fever Recurrent ulcers Ulcers that worsen and don’t heal for more than two weeks Weight loss Stomach pain Ulcers around buttocks (along with mouth ulcers) Ulcers seen on outer lips too Swelling of the face or lymph node (sides of the neck)

Treatment For Mouth Ulcers In Babies And Toddlers

Treatment depends on the severity of the ulcers, age of the baby, and the general health of the baby. The doctor may prescribe one of the following treatment methods (12).

Application of topical ointments containing local anesthetic agents to alleviate the symptoms.

Medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help with the pain.

Mouthwashes might be advised for toddlers to help with the ulcers.

If the ulcers occurred due to viral infections like herpes simplex virus, the doctor might suggest an antiviral medication in some severe cases and in immunodeficient patient.

Never give any medication, including over-the-counter drugs, to a baby or a toddler without consulting a doctor.

What To Feed A Baby With Mouth Ulcers?

Food is likely to irritate mouth ulcers, thus making the baby cranky while also reducing their appetite. Below are some options of feeding a baby.

How To Reduce The Risk Of Mouth Ulcers?

Ulcers cannot always be avoided. However, observing a few precautions might help reduce the risk of developing ulcers.

Maintain proper hygiene, especially oral hygiene. Family members with mouth ulcers and sores on the body should avoid contact with the baby. Avoid recurrent trauma from a toy, teether, or a toothbrush. If your baby is known to have allergies or a chronic illness, then managing them will help avoid ulcers. Feed the baby a wholesome diet.
