Teenage years are the time when children make most of their friends. They have fun with them, they confide in them and they get influenced by them. But with the friendship and social circle comes peer pressure. Teen peer pressure can lead to some adverse outcomes and an unpleasant atmosphere at home. We tell you everything about peer pressure in teens — examples, the good and bad, and how parents can deal with it.

What Is Peer Pressure?

Peer pressure is a situation where the teen feels compelled to do something because they want to be a part of a social circle and be valued by it. Friends and members of a larger group (classmates, schoolmates, etc.,) constitute the peers. The teen gives more importance to their peers’ opinion than their own thoughts. Hence, peer pressure can make the teen do things that they would otherwise not do.

Why Does Peer Pressure Influence Teens?

Here is why teens get easily influenced by their peers: People are the most vulnerable to peer pressure in their teenage years, and the pressure can manifest in various ways. Let’s see some examples.

Examples Of Teen Peer Pressure

Below, we have listed some of the most common scenarios of peer pressure among teens; some might be good while some are harmful for the teenager:

Changing one’s talking style to mimic those in the friend circle; using words that are often used by peers.

Copying the dressing style, haircuts, and jewelry.

Watching the same movies and TV shows as friends. Listening to the same music as friends.

Participating in competitions or joining groups like a sports or singing group.

Doing risky acts like breaking rules. Often the rule is broken in a group or after seeing someone in the peer circle do it.

Indulging in activities like smoking, drinking, using drugs, or sexual activities.

As the examples indicate, peer pressure can be both negative and positive.

Types Of Teen Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be either negative or positive depending on the type of social circle: Positive peer pressure is indeed a delight for parents who may otherwise struggle to convince their child to take up good habits. It is the negative peer pressure, which is worrisome.

When To Be Concerned About Teen Peer Pressure?

Negative peer pressure can be a problem if you see the below signs in your teen: A combination of all or a few of these signs in your child means they need your help.

How Can Parents Help Manage Teen Peer Pressure?

Here is what you can do to keep negative peer pressure away from your teen. The steps involved are usually a part of good parenting.
