High heels are an essential component of the style statement for many women. However, wearing heels during pregnancy may not be a good idea. Doctors strictly do not advise it for several scientific reasons. Your body weight and balance do not remain the same as pregnancy advances, and even muscles and ligaments undergo certain changes (1). As a result, wearing heels may add to the discomfort of pains and cramps and come with certain other risks. Read this post as we talk about the effects of wearing heels on pregnant women and share some safety tips.

Effects of Wearing Heels During Pregnancy

Let’s check out:

1. Calf cramps

When you wear heels for a long time, your calf muscles are in a contracted position. This leads to cramps in the muscles, which may be aggravated during pregnancy (2).

2. Back pain

High heels are supposed to alter your posture. Your pelvic muscles are bent forward, giving a rounder shape to your back.

You will gain a considerable amount of weight around the front during pregnancy and this change in posture will cause pain. The ligaments in lower back and legs are loosened during pregnancy. Wearing heels puts excess pressure on the pelvic and back joints, since the support is not proper. This results in aches around joints and ligaments of lower back and pelvic area (3).

3. Less balance

The strength in your ankles is likely to reduce due to excess weight and hormonal changes in the body.

This is a common reason that will lead to lower balancing capacity. When you are wearing heels, there will be a higher probability of losing balance and tripping over, causing injury to you and your unborn child (4).

4. Stretched muscles

Just like your back and abdomen, the ligaments in the ankles and calf also loosen due to pregnancy-induced hormones.

This leads to stretching of muscles in the feet. The shoes that you could comfortably wear pre-pregnancy will now become tight and painful (5).

5. Swelling in feet

A medical condition known as edema or swelling in legs, ankles and feet is quite common during pregnancy.

Wearing tight shoes and high heels or platform heels will further aggravate the problem. Wearing high heels, especially in late pregnancy, can cause swollen feet. More fluid will be accumulated in the lower part of your body and along with swollen feet, you might also experience pain (6).

6. Miscarriage

A pregnant woman wearing high heels is always at a higher risk of sustaining falls/trauma which can result in having a miscarriage (7).

Tips To Wear High Heels In Pregnancy

Wearing heels during pregnancy is not at all advisable, as it can lead to serious harm to both you and your unborn baby. However, if you absolutely must, then keep the following tips in mind:

It is okay to wear low heels in your first trimester, after which the hormonal flow increases and your muscles start to stretch. Try to wear lower and sturdier heels. Buy shoes that are comfortable and don’t create a tight grip on your feet. Avoid stilettos, platform heels or kitten heels. The thinner the heels, the less support your body will get, making it all the more difficult to maintain balance. If you have to wear heels during the entire day, try to take short breaks. Take them off for a while, relax your feet and then put them on again. Wearing wedge heels during pregnancy is not a good idea because there will be an increase in body weight, shape and center of gravity changes affecting your walking. Also, ligaments will be looser which may lead to muscle strain and joint instability. At parties or outings, avoid walking or standing for longer durations in high heels. If you have to wear them to get the perfect look, try to sit around most of the time. Replace your heels with flats for everyday purposes.

If you have worn heels and are experiencing discomfort, try stretching exercises for calf muscles and gently massage your feet

According to Brian Clark, BSN, MSNA, “There is no scientific evidence to suggest that high heels damage the womb. However, some experts believe wearing high heels can put extra pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, which may lead to problems such as incontinence.”
