A sore throat in babies and other people could suggest a cold or other illness. It is typically the first symptom of a throat infection. However, because babies cannot articulate their problems, parents may not be able to detect the condition right away. One indicator to check for the symptom is if your baby refuses to eat or drink because they have a sore throat and throat pain (1). Read this post to know about various causes of sore throat in newborns, how to treat it, and the preventive measures for the condition.

What Causes Sore Throat In Babies?

A sore throat could be a symptom of various conditions. Here are the most common ones: The sore throat in infants could easily be spotted by a parent. Excessive mucus discharge and red blisters around the mouth and parts of the body indicate the need for prompt medical intervention.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Sore Throat?

Here is what to look out for when you think that the baby has a sore throat (10) (11). Sore throat is usually a benign condition, but if the cause is bacterial, then can lead to severe complications. If you have a young baby or toddler or if your child has fever or other complaints along with the sore throat, then speak to your doctor.

Home Remedies For Sore Throat In Babies

Home remedies could be a good way to alleviate the discomfort caused by a sore throat. Here is what you can do to make the baby feel better. Pediatric experts recommend against the usage of infant throat syrups and lozenges since they do not provide many benefits (10). Remember, if your baby is younger than three months, then do not try any home remedy without pediatric consultation. It is therefore wise to consult a doctor right away for treatment.

When To See A Doctor?

Take your baby to the doctor right away if a sore throat is accompanied by (15):

Fever Diarrhea Vomiting and nausea Excessive mucus discharge from the nose Red blisters around the mouth and parts of the body Dizziness Poor appetite

A doctor would arrive at conclusive results only after running a thorough diagnosis of the baby’s condition.

How Is Sore Throat In Babies Diagnosed?

The process involves one or more of these methods, depending on the severity of the condition: Diagnosis reveals the actual cause of the sore throat, paving the way for the appropriate treatment.

How To Treat Sore Throat In Infants?

A sore throat usually does not require treatment and cures by itself (16). A doctor may, however, prescribe medications to treat the underlying condition. Antibiotics are prescribed if the sore throat is caused by bacteria. Viral infections seldom require medication since symptoms lose their intensity in a week to ten days. Experts recommend avoiding medication for sore throat in infants unless the problem is severe (17).

How Long Does Sore Throat Last?

It depends on the disease or infection that led to the problem. A sore throat caused by the common cold may resolve in a couple of days, but the one due to herpes may take several weeks. Therefore, you must look for ways to prevent your baby from getting a sore throat. Read the next section to know how!

How To Prevent Sore Throat In Babies?

It is quite simple to keep a sore throat at bay. Here is what you must do (16). A sore throat could be a source of misery for an infant, but it is also a condition that is easily preventable. If the baby gets a sore throat, easy home remedies can help them feel better.
