Sore throat or throat pain during pregnancy is common. Sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, is the irritation and pain in the throat that can be felt while swallowing or talking. During pregnancy, the body’s immune system usually becomes less efficient in supporting the developing fetus, making it prone to bacterial and viral infections (1). On the other hand, sore throat might also be caused due to heartburn or allergies (2). The primary cause of pharyngitis is considered to be viral infections such as cold and flu (3). Keep reading this post for more information on the sore throat in expecting mothers, its causes, signs, treatment, and precautions.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Sore Throat Infection During Pregnancy?

Symptoms that accompany a sore throat include:

Redness of throat Difficulty in swallowing Constant pain in the throat Fever Earache Red, swollen tonsils Hoarseness

You may not have all the symptoms at a time, but a combination of these. Talk to your doctor if the symptoms persist for more than seven days (3).

What Causes A Sore Throat During Pregnancy?

Sore throat during pregnancy might be because of the following reasons.

Acid reflux Allergies (dust and pollen) Muscle strain in the throat (talking loudly, talking continuously without rest) Chemicals or pollutants Fungal infection Throat infection spreading through a cough or sneeze Sinusitis

Dr. Francisco Arredondo, chief medical officer at Aspire Fertility in Texas, says, “Sore throat is more common during pregnancy due to a slightly reduced immune system. So, you are prone to infectious sore throat and sore throat from post-nasal-drip due to common colds. You can also have an increase in the non-infectious sore throat from acid reflux and heartburn, as stomach acid can generate inflammation in the throat.” Usually, the symptoms of sore throat subside within a week and may not need medications for it. Using a few home remedies could help you reduce the intensity of the symptoms of a sore throat.

6 Home Remedies For Throat Infection During Pregnancy

With a few remedies, you can try to get relief from sore throat during pregnancy. Some of these are found in your kitchen. Here is a list of remedies you could consider trying to relieve sore throat during pregnancy.

1. Honey lemon tea

Honey might help in soothing the throat, and lemon could combat bacteria and clear the mucus (4). How to prepare:

Boil a cup of water Add honey and lemon juice to it Let it cool down and drink

2. Steam inhalation or humidifier

Steam inhalation moistens your mucous membrane and could offer relief from a dry throat. You can also use a humidifier in your room to keep the air moist. Make sure you clean the humidifier from time to time to prevent bacteria growth (5). How to use:

Boil water in a large pot Breathe in the steam for some time

3. Turmeric saltwater gargle

Saltwater could help in hydrating the throat membranes and soothes the irritation. Turmeric is said to have a therapeutic effect on cough (4). How to use:

Add half a teaspoon of salt and turmeric powder to one cup of warm water Gargle in every hour to get relief from the pain

4. Chamomile tea

According to the National Institute of Health’s manuscript, chamomile tea infusion could be used to wash or gargle an inflamed throat (6). How to prepare:

Boil a cup of water Add a chamomile tea bag to the boiling water and steep it for five minutes Strain it and gargle.

5. Ginger tea

Ginger has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It might help in reducing the inflammation of the throat (4). How to prepare:

Boil a cup of water and add about an inch of peeled fresh ginger Steep it for five minutes. Add honey for sweetness and drink the tea You may add fresh mint leaves for a soothing effect

If a sore throat is severe and home remedies are not working, then you might need some medications.

When To See A Doctor

A viral sore throat infection might subside within a week. However, if you notice any of the following symptoms, then it is best to seek a doctor’s advice.

If the sore throat lasts for more than a week. You have developed a fever along with the sore throat. The sore throat developed suddenly, and you find it difficult to swallow. The home remedies don’t seem to work.

Dr. Arredondo recommends, “For pain and discomfort, pregnant women can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) with a limit of two extra strength pills up to three times per day (not to exceed 3000mg in 24 hours). If the cause is allergies or post-nasal-drip, Benadryl can help stop the dripping. Candies and sprays with benzocaine are also safe during pregnancy and can help with symptoms.” Your doctor would examine your symptoms and recommend additional tests to check for a strep throat infection, which might need antibiotic medication.

How Is Sore Throat Different From Strep Throat?

Strep throat is a severe form of a sore throat caused by Group A streptococcal bacteria, which is highly contagious (7). A strep throat has these symptoms:

Chills Red throat Headaches Fatigue Swollen and tender lymph nodes (glands) in the neck Lack of appetite Pus on tonsils Stomach ache Red, sandpaper-like rash

A sore throat infection need not always be a streptococcal infection Your doctor will make a proper diagnosis to determine if you have a strep throat. It might require a doctor visit, who may then prescribe medications to reduce the bacterial infection.

Medications For Sore Throat And Strep Throat While Pregnant

If the pain due to a throat infection is persistent, then you must visit a doctor. They would prescribe a medication based on your condition. Here are some of the commonly used drugs for a sore throat, but you should not use them unless your doctor recommends.

Safe medications for a sore throat

Safe medication for strep throat (usually antibiotics are prescribed) These antibiotics cannot be used to treat a sore throat that is caused due to viral infections. Note: Any negligence while taking the antibiotics dose during treatment can lead to recurrent infections. It is best to follow your doctor’s advice.

Can You Prevent Sore Throat/Strep Throat Infections?

You need to be careful when you are pregnant to protect yourself from viral or bacterial infections. Here are a few tips that might help.

Keep your hands clean and wash them regularly with soap. Do not share utensils, towels, or cups with a person who has a throat infection, as you may contract it. Avoid cold and fizzy drinks when you have a throat infection. These drinks can aggravate the condition. Relish on a healthy diet. Stick to foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Use masks, especially in crowded places, during viral infection epidemics.

A Little More On Strep Throat

In addition to the symptoms and medication, you might want to know the answers to these questions on strep throat:

1. Is strep throat dangerous during pregnancy?

Strep throat in pregnancy is not dangerous if you take timely treatment and medication. If you notice any symptoms, then check with the doctor, who can guide you with treatment. In severe cases, a strep throat can damage heart valves and kidneys (12).

2. Are strep throat and Group B streptococcus infection the same?

No. A strep throat is caused by Group A streptococcus bacteria, whereas Group B streptococcus bacteria are found in the rectal and vaginal area. Group B bacteria can pass the infection from the mother to the baby through the amniotic fluid (13). Group A Streptococcal infection has no harm for the fetus.

Is Sore Throat An Early Sign Of Pregnancy?

There is no scientific evidence to prove, but the changes in estrogen and progesterone hormones might result in a sore throat, along with other effects such as nausea and headaches. However, a sore throat can’t be the standalone symptom of pregnancy and needs to be seen in association with other signs of pregnancy. Moreover, not all pregnant women would have a sore throat.


  1. Michelle Silasi, et al.; Viral Infections During Pregnancy; NCBI 2. V. Shiny Sherlie and Ashish Varghese; ENT Changes of Pregnancy and Its Management; Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 3. Sore Throat (Pharyngitis); Harvard Health Publishings 4. Shahnaz Sultana, Andleeb Khan, Mohammed M Safhi And Hassan A. Alhazmi; ough Suppressant Herbal Drugs: A Review; International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention 5. Common Cold In Pregnancy And Breastfeeding; The Royal Hospital for Women 6. Janmejai K. Srivastava, et al.; Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with a bright future (Review); Research Gate 7. How does someone get strep throat?; Center for Young Women’s Health 8. Over-the-counter medicines safe to use during pregnancy; Allina Health 9. Keflex Capsules; FDA 10. Penicillin G Potassium; FDA 11. Amoxil; FDA 12. Sore Throats; ENT Health 13. What are Streptococcal infections?; 14. Which over-the-counter cold medications are safe during pregnancy?; UT Southwestern Medical Center 15. Strep Throat; US CDC