Essential oils are generally extracted from medicinal plants and used in aromatherapies. But some of these oils, for example, the use of rosemary oil during pregnancy, may require expert consultation. Although rosemary oil imparts great health benefits, such as stress relief, pain reduction, and alleviation of respiratory issues and skin ailments, you may need to be extra careful about its use during pregnancy (1). Read on to know more about rosemary oil for pregnant women, including its pros and cons and tips to use it safely.

What Is Rosemary Oil?

Rosemary essential oil is derived from the leaves of the rosemary herb. The herb is also known as Rosmarinus officinalis.

Uses Of Rosemary Oil

Not only does rosemary oil have aromatic properties, but you can use it as a medicinal herb to cure various ailments. It is also a very famous culinary herb in Mediterranean regions, and its oil is added to various dishes to add flavor. Romans used the herb in many of their religious ceremonies as well.

Health Benefits Of Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil has been around for ages, ancients used it for various purposes, and it can be used to alleviate many ailments. Here are some common benefits below.

1. Effective Mouthwash:

Rosemary oil is a brilliant disinfectant and therefore used as mouthwash (2).

2. Cures Respiratory Problems:

If you suffer from throat congestion, then you can use Rosemary oil to get some relief. The oil helps cure a sore throat, allergies, and cold (3).

3. Stress Relief:

When you feel stress, the glands secrete cortisol. If the amount of cortisol in the bloodstream increases, then you are likely to feel anxious. Moreover, stress causes hormonal imbalance. So, if you are in stress, you can inhale a drop or two of Rosemary oil to reduce stress level (3).

4. Boost Immunity:

If you want a robust immune system, then go for aromatherapy that includes rosemary oil massage (3).

5. Prevents STDs [Sexually Transmitted Diseases]:

Some studies reveal that Rosemary oil has antimicrobial properties, and it helps in reducing inflammation caused due to the herpes virus (3).

6. Reduces Pain:

If you have pain in your muscles, headache, joint pain or sprain, then massage that area with Rosemary oil. It stimulates blood circulation and reduces pain. Also, it helps quicken the healing of wounds (3).

Some Other Benefits Of Rosemary Oil Include

Prevents Indigestion Hair Growth Skincare

Is Rosemary Oil Safe During Pregnancy?

You tend to be a bit doubtful about using a product if you are pregnant, considering the safety of your growing baby. Consider the health-related issues before using not just Rosemary oil but any other aromatic essential oil as well. Check with your physician before using any such oil during your special months. Rosemary oil, in particular, is considered unsafe during pregnancy due to the following reasons (4):

It contains camphor.

It is a uterine stimulant. Thus, expecting moms shouldn’t consume large amounts of it as it can lead to miscarriage.

It is a diuretic and also emmenagogue in nature i.e. it causes menstruation and depletes amniotic fluid essential for fetal growth.

Also, use it in dilute form and don’t consume or apply the concentrate. Consuming the herb in small amounts does not impede or negatively affect fetal growth.
