Indulging in regular and safe exercises in first trimester could increase the chances of vaginal delivery (1). It is vital not only for physical well-being but also to help cope with mental stress during pregnancy. Exercising helps maintain healthy body weight, improves sleep, and regulates mood. First trimester exercises can also help reduce the risk of fetal complications such as premature birth and congenital type-II diabetes. Read this post to know about some safe first trimester exercises, associated health benefits, and safety tips to follow while exercising in pregnancy.

Is It Safe To Exercise In The First Trimester?

It is healthy and safe to practice exercises in the first trimester unless you have certain health complications and your doctor has set restrictions (2). Practicing exercises during the first trimester might help increase the core strength of muscles. If you are already engaged in physical activity before getting pregnant, it is okay to continue exercise in pregnancy (3). The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) guidelines do not restrict pregnant women from exercising up to any maximum heart rate (4). You may choose your comfort level and workout moderately for at least 150 minutes throughout the week for substantial health benefits (5). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), performing exercise has no adverse effects on birthweight and stillbirth (5).

What Are The Benefits Of Exercise During Pregnancy?

WHO recommends performing exercise during pregnancy to reduce the risk of (5):


Gestational hypertension or high blood pressure disorders

Gestational diabetes mellitus

Lung disease

Gestational weight gain

Delivery complications

Postpartum depression

Newborn complications

When To Start Exercising During Pregnancy?

According to the WHO, involving in physical activity is better than a sedentary lifestyle (4). Any exercise is beneficial, and including it right from the beginning of the first trimester will lead to a healthy delivery. It might not be easy for beginners to start the exercise, but having your partner or a friend would help you keep going. However, if you were already involved in vigorous activity or physically active, you may continue it during pregnancy and postpartum. You may consult your physician or healthcare provider to make an exercise plan for you.

Which Exercises Are Safe In The First Trimester?

Some of the safe and beneficial exercises you can do in the first trimester of pregnancy are (1) (6) (7):

When Should You Avoid Exercise?

According to the WHO guidelines, you should avoid any physical activity if (5):

There is an excessive heat outside

You have traveled to high altitudes, as it may limit oxygenation

There is a risk of falling from an elevated level

There is a risk of physical contact with people around.

How To Exercise Safely In The First Trimester? Some safety measures to follow while exercising in the  first trimester are (5):

Drink water at regular intervals and stay hydrated before, during, and after physical activity.

Avoid supine position after the first trimester.

While participating in athletic competitions, seek a doctor’s advice if it is safe for you.

When trying a new exercise, consult your healthcare provider or your midwife for any recommendations. They may guide you through the correct postures and let you know the risks involved.

Avoid postures that involve stomach stretches and lying back.

Inform your trainer about your pregnancy while joining an exercise class. It will help them streamline the activities that suit you best.