We all want to raise our kids to be smart individuals. Science facts for kids are an excellent way to create a keen interest in the child toward the subject. It can also be a delightful experience for the child if they love science already. Also, the earlier you begin, the higher the chances that your child will pick them up, even if you think science may be difficult at this age. It’s important to nurture children’s scientific mindset when young so that they learn to appreciate what’s objective and discard what’s unreal and can’t be proven. This is an important life skill. Hence, the sooner they learn it, the better. And who knows, their curiosity may even make them a scientist, engineer, or astronaut someday! If you are looking for some scientific facts your child could learn, here is a carefully compiled list of facts that will fill them with awe.

But First…

Let’s begin with a basic question: What is Science? It is a systematic and structured study that involves observation, gathering evidence, experimenting, and testing to explain the natural and man-made phenomena. It is the field that allows us to understand the world around us better, and helps us create, build/grow and preserve the good things for the benefit of man, animal and every other organism.

Science Trivia Facts

Now that you know what we are talking about, it is time for some fun, good-to-know science facts!

Earth Science Facts

The earth is our home. To keep it safe and nurture our planet, we need to know some basic things about it.

Environmental Science Facts

Why do we have seasons? What happens to the trash we make? What makes the environment cool or hot? These are some things you will learn when you study environmental science. Here are some facts about environmental science that kids should know, to protect the amazing planet we live on.

Amazing Animal Science Facts

The animal kingdom is a wonderful one. Whether it is the hand-holding otters, the powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats or gender changing oyster, animals never cease to amaze us. Here are some amazing animals facts your kids would love to know.

Plant Science Facts You Didn’t Know

They make our planet green. They give us the air to breathe. They make this planet inhabitable. Trees and plants are perhaps the most important living things on this planet. Here are some interesting facts about them that you possibly didn’t know.

Space Science Facts

The Sun, the stars and the planets. The Milky Way, the constellations, and everything else in the Galaxy exist in this huge void, which we commonly refer to as Space or Outer Space. Here are some interesting facts about the outer space.  

Famous Scientist Facts

For the longest time, people believed that the earth was flat. They believed that the seasons were the result of gods’ and goddesses’ emotions. Diseases were considered to be created by evil spirits. Until great minds, the scientists as we know them, came forward and argued otherwise. If it weren’t for some of the greatest scientists, we would still be living in ignorance.

Technological Science Facts For Kids

Technology is what drives the human race. While that is good to an extent, the fact that most of us are so dependent, and even obsessed with technology, is scary at times. On a lighter note, here are some interesting facts about technology we use every day.

Engineering Science Facts

Engineering is an excellent field that has helped us create many things marvelous – from buildings, and vehicles to gadgets and what not! One of the most ambitious projects in the world today is The New Valley Project in Egypt, where engineers are trying to convert millions of acres of dessert into agricultural land. Imagine if we could restore the earth’s green cover that way! Our planet would be back to being the healthy place that it used to be once.
