If you have noticed scratch marks on your baby’s face, it is quite understandable to feel upset or anxious. However, these marks have likely been caused by your baby scratching their own face. Nevertheless, parents should be wary about babies scratching themselves. Scratch marks on babies’ faces are common due to their sensitive skin. Even activities such as bathing and massaging may cause you to accidentally scratch their delicate skin. This post discusses the various reasons babies scratch their faces and ways to prevent scratch marks and skin infections caused by scratching.

Why Do Babies Scratch Their Face?

There are several reasons why a baby scratches their face. Some of the common ones include.

When Do Babies Stop Scratching Their Face?

Based on the cause, a baby may cease scratching their face within a few weeks after birth or take a little longer. For instance, scratching the face due to uncontrolled movements may end once the baby has better control of their muscles and body movements. Treating skin conditions can stop scratching or may alleviate it to a significant extent. According to research, touching one’s face is an instinct that babies develop in utero. It is considered a sign of healthy fetal development, and the habit continues after birth. Exploring one’s body and the desire to sense new sensations could make a baby touch their face and scratch it accidentally. It could be the reason for scratch marks on the baby’s face when no other apparent reasons are present (1). In most cases, a baby scratching their face is a temporary issue and seldom causes scarring. However, if the scratching persists or worsens, consult a pediatrician. Sustained scratching might cause deep grooves, which may make the baby’s skin susceptible to infections.

How To Prevent Babies From Scratching Their Face?

You can prevent a baby from scratching their face by identifying and avoiding the triggers. Here are some of the tips that you could try. Besides these interventions, maintain a steady baby’s room temperature, especially during winter, when most households use heaters. Heaters reduce humidity, making a baby’s skin dry and triggering itchiness, which can lead to scratching.

How To Treat Scratches?

While preventing scratching is best, it is good to learn some tips to care for scratches already present.

Gently clean the scratches as soon as you notice them. Use lukewarm water and antibacterial soap to clean the area.

Pat the area dry and apply gentle, unscented moisturizer or antiseptic cream.

Leave deeper scratches open to heal. Keep the scratches moist with antibacterial creams or ointments that can act as a barrier against germs.

Trim your baby’s nails and cover their hands with mittens to ensure the baby doesn’t scratch their face further.
